
astrachan n.俄國羔皮(= astrakhan)。


He was not wearing an astrachan cap , and had not a riding - whip over his shoulder , as rostov had seen him on the night before the battle of austerlitz , but wore a tight new uniform with russian and foreign orders and the star of st . george on the left side of his chest 他沒有戴羔皮軍帽,肩上也沒有挎著馬鞭,有像羅斯托夫在奧斯特利茨戰役前夜看見他時那個樣子,而是身穿一件緊身的新軍服,佩戴有俄國以及外國的各種勛章,左胸前戴著圣喬治金星勛章。

The foremost , wearing a cloak and an astrachan cap , was riding on a white horse 領頭的人披著斗篷,戴著羔皮闊邊帽,正騎著一匹白馬。