
astounding adj.可驚的;使人震驚的。adv.-ly

The doctor and nurses were astounded . “ how could this be possible 醫生和護士都很驚奇地說:這怎么可能?

Now the sandy-haired man, struck by gabriel's bitter, astounded face, bit his laughter off, and said: “what's the matter, son? “ 這時,長著沙色頭發的人被加布里埃爾痛苦和震驚的臉怔住了,他立刻收起笑容,說:“怎么啦,孩子?”


The doctor and nurses were astounded . “ how could this be possible 醫生和護士都很驚奇地說:這怎么可能?

Now the sandy-haired man, struck by gabriel's bitter, astounded face, bit his laughter off, and said: “what's the matter, son? “ 這時,長著沙色頭發的人被加布里埃爾痛苦和震驚的臉怔住了,他立刻收起笑容,說:“怎么啦,孩子?”