
astound vt.使…大吃一驚,使驚奇。

The doctor and nurses were astounded . “ how could this be possible 醫生和護士都很驚奇地說:這怎么可能?

Now the sandy-haired man, struck by gabriel's bitter, astounded face, bit his laughter off, and said: “what's the matter, son? “ 這時,長著沙色頭發的人被加布里埃爾痛苦和震驚的臉怔住了,他立刻收起笑容,說:“怎么啦,孩子?”


The internal dynamism of this 100 - year - old industry is astounding 汽車工業這個百年工業,其內在推動力是令人震驚的。

The enormous changes in the quality of life of the inhabitants astounded us 城鎮居民生活質量的巨大變化令我們驚愕。

What an astounding product 真是驚人的產品

This is my third trip , and already the results have been astounding 這是我第三次來這里了前面的研究結果讓人驚嘆

Literally astounded at this piece of intelligence , bloom reflected 這個消息簡直使布盧姆感到驚愕,他陷入沉思。

The vegetation surrounding this historic place is equally astounding 這處歷史遺跡周圍的植被也同樣震撼人心。

The following is a paid commercial announcement for astounding products 下面是一個驚人產品的付費商業廣告

The doctor and nurses were astounded . “ how could this be possible 醫生和護士都很驚奇地說:這怎么可能?

There ' s certain nature of creative facility just astounds me 富有創造力的人的某些特質真的非常令我驚訝

. . . but quite frankly , i am astounded that you didn ' t hand it in . . .不過說實話,我很驚訝你沒把它上交

And when the crowds heard this , they were astounded at his teaching 33群眾聽見了,就驚訝?的教訓。

Her precocious mathematical ability astounded her parents 她那早熟的數學才能使她的父母感到驚訝。

Hi ! welcome to astounding products 你們好!歡迎來到驚人產品

We were astounded to read your letter 我們看了你的信大吃一驚。

But quite frankly , i am astounded that you didn ' t hand it in .不過說實話,我很驚訝你沒把它上交

Her elopement astounded her parents 她的私奔使她的父母大為震驚。

As you can see above , the result is astounding 正如您可以在上面看到的,其結果是令人震驚的。