
astor n.阿斯特〔姓氏〕。

The site was enlarged to include the adjacent former new astor hotel site and rezoned to “ comprehensive development area 1 “ on the draft tsim sha tsui ozp gazetted on october 17 , 2003 . revised master layout plan approved with conditions by the ctpur under the delegated authority of the tpb on june 23 , 2004 . construction in progress 有關地盤的范圍被擴大,以便把毗鄰的前新雅圖酒店所在地(載于二零零三年十月十七日刊憲的尖沙咀分區計劃大綱草圖)包括在內;該范圍在該草圖上,亦已改劃為綜合發展區( 1 )地帶。


Astor plays a once - popular film actress whose star is on the wane . to her best friend s rene ricard dismay , astor becomes involved with a hustler eric mitchell . together they wander around new york city s hippest nightclubs and galleries , in the hope of rescuing the actresss career 這部地下電影由他身兼監制、導演、編劇及演員多職,名導占渣木殊負責收音,其他演員包括安迪華荷( andy warhol )的愛將jackie curtis及taylor mead 、以及藝術文化界名人patti astor及rene ricard 。

With its cross - fertilisation of indian , african and spanish influences , the music of south america is alive with colour , rhythm and movement . american composers like gershwin and copland were captivated by the swing of latin dances , but it was the great argentinian tango composer astor piazzolla who took the smouldering seduction of his national dance into the world of orchestral music 集印度、非洲及西班牙文化于一身的南美音樂,充滿迷人的色彩、節奏和動感。美國作曲家蓋希文與柯普蘭,被拉丁舞的強勁節奏深深吸引,而阿根廷探戈舞作曲大師皮亞蘇拉,更把他的民族藝術發揚光大,近年由煙霧彌漫的舞廳走到西方殿堂級音樂廳,一躍而成為世界級管弦樂團的演奏曲目。

The site was enlarged to include the adjacent former new astor hotel site and rezoned to “ comprehensive development area 1 “ on the draft tsim sha tsui ozp gazetted on october 17 , 2003 . revised master layout plan approved with conditions by the ctpur under the delegated authority of the tpb on june 23 , 2004 . construction in progress 有關地盤的范圍被擴大,以便把毗鄰的前新雅圖酒店所在地(載于二零零三年十月十七日刊憲的尖沙咀分區計劃大綱草圖)包括在內;該范圍在該草圖上,亦已改劃為綜合發展區( 1 )地帶。

American composers like gershwin and copland were captivated by the swing of latin dances , but it was the great argentinian tango composer astor piazzolla who took the smouldering seduction of his national dance into the world of orchestral music . walther castro has this music in his blood and brings the authentic sound of buenos aires to the hong kong philharmonic 美國作曲家蓋希文與柯普蘭,被拉丁舞的強勁節奏深深吸引,而阿根廷探戈舞作曲大師皮亞蘇拉,更把他的民族藝術發揚光大,近年由煙霧彌漫的舞廳走到西方殿堂級音樂廳,一躍而成為世界級管弦樂團的演奏曲目。

Mrs astor gave to the metropolitan museum of art , rockefeller university , the bronx zoo and , her special favourite , the new york public library ; mrs helmsley gave to new york - presbyterian hospital , the weill cornell medical college and , her spell in prison evidently softening her , to poor children and hurricane victims 阿斯特爾夫人把財產給予了大都會藝術博物館、洛克菲勒大學、布郎克斯動物園、以及她的最愛:紐約公立圖書館;海茉斯利夫人則給予了紐約長老會醫院、魏爾?康奈爾醫學院以及窮困兒童和颶風受害者,看來在監獄的那段時光的確感化了她。

Mrs astor had dogs as well - behaved as herself , silky and smooth - haired to pose for photographers or to have their portraits in her 19th - century collection on the staircase of holly hill ( 注 1 ) , her weekend retreat 阿斯特爾夫人有只和她一樣溫文爾雅的狗,它常常為攝影師擺出造型,展示絲一樣光滑柔順的毛發;或者阿斯特爾夫人周末休息的時候,會在她位于冬青山(注1 )的樓梯間那些19世紀的收藏品之間為它畫肖像。

Millionaires like the astors and vanderbilts once had their homes in the east village , but following the immigration wave in the 1900s , irish , german , jewish , polish , and ukrainian immigrants flooded into the same neighborhood 雖然曾有百萬富翁,如阿斯特家族和范德比爾特家族,在東村安家落戶,但隨著20世紀前10年出現的移民潮,愛爾蘭移民、德國移民、猶太移民、波蘭移民和烏克蘭移民全都涌入到了這一街區。

1 the coupon is transferable subject to room availability the supper buffet coupon of astor caf can only be used at night of the check - in date . the coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion 1此券可轉讓他人使用2需視乎房間供應情況而定, 3普慶餐廳宵夜自助餐須于入住當晚使用, 4不可與酒店任何推廣優惠一同使用, 5此券不可兌換現金。

In this rarely seen classic film from the no wave cinema movement , director writer actor eric mitchell teams up an impressive cast of andy warhol luminaries jackie curtis and taylor mead , and art stars patti astor and rene ricard 法國有新浪潮,美國紐約也曾有屬于自己的no wave cinema ,其中一名猛將就是從法國來美的eric mitchell 。

Mrs astor set great store by good manners , civility , kind remarks and the careful handling of umbrellas ; mrs helmsley believed in loud words and elbows 阿斯特爾夫人重視禮議,行為端莊,說話時態度和藹可親,總是審慎地舉著雨傘;海茉斯麗夫人則信奉大喝雷鳴與肘關節(即武力) 。

Mrs astor , a solitary and dreamy child who had come by money almost magically , treated it like fairy dust to the end of her days 阿斯特爾夫人則是個充滿幻想的獨生子女,她幾乎象變戲法似的被錢堆到了成年,因而直到她生命的最后一刻,依然視錢財如塵土。

Holiday package for four persons includes complimentary accommodation in moderate room two rooms for four and supper buffet at astor caf for four hk 3 , 887 . 6 逸東酒店雙人舒適客房兩間住宿一晚及普慶餐廳宵夜自助餐四位價值hk 3 , 887 . 6

All photoduplication is carried out by new york public library staff . photography in the brooke russell astor reading room is not permitted 所有復制將有圖書館員代為完成,在布魯克羅索阿斯特閱覽室(珍本閱覽室)不允許攝影。

Lady astor becomes first female member of the british parliament to take her seat ( she had been elected to that position on november 28 ) 1919年愛斯托女士成為英國國會中的第一名女性議員(她于11月28日被選進國會) 。

Supper buffet at astor caf , provides a wide variety of hot and cold delights , is available from 10 : 00pm to 12 : 30am daily 普慶餐廳的宵夜自助餐每晚十時至零晨十二時半供應,提供亞洲及西式宵夜美點和甜品。

Mrs astor was as small , delicate and fine as a meissen cup , her tailoring exquisite and her jewels unobtrusive 阿斯特爾夫人身材嬌小,體態纖細而幽雅,宛如精美的邁斯酒杯,她衣著裁剪精當,戴得體的珠寶。

Winston churchill once argued with british ' s first woman member of parliament , nancy astor 一次,溫斯頓。丘吉爾與英國第一位女議員南茜。埃斯特發生了激烈的爭執。

Lady astor is elected to be the first female member of parliament in the uk 1919年,阿斯特夫人被選為英國的第一位女性國會議員。