
astonishment n.1.驚奇,驚訝。2.令人驚訝的事物。短語和例子in ...

S , with astonishment , “ do you possess any ? 唐太斯吃驚地問道, “難道你有工具嗎? ”

“my dear miss elliot!“ exclaimed mrs. clay, lifting up her hands and eyes, and sinking all the rest of her astonishment in a convenient silence . “親愛的埃利奧特小姐!”克萊夫人喊了一聲,同時舉起兩手,抬起雙眼,接著她又采取最簡便的辦法,用沉默抑制住了她全部的余驚。

Captain henry swallowed his astonishment and said, “aye aye, sir. “ 亨利上校強壓下自己的震驚,說:“是,是,先生。”


Morrel looked at monte cristo with astonishment 莫雷爾驚奇地望著基督山。

Mr . hurst looked at her with astonishment 赫斯脫先生驚奇地朝她望了一下。

S , with astonishment , “ do you possess any ? 唐太斯吃驚地問道, “難道你有工具嗎? ”

Imagine my astonishment when peter walked in 你可以想象當彼得過來時我是多么得驚奇。

The notary looked at the count with astonishment 那公證人驚異地望著伯爵。

Elizabeth s astonishment was beyond expression 伊麗莎白真是說不出的驚奇。

My anger was greater than my astonishment for a minute 當時我的怒氣遠勝過我的驚訝。

To my astonishment it had completely disappeared 令我驚訝的是,它消失得無影無蹤了。

Both miss stoner and i gazed at him in astonishment 我和斯唐娜小姐都驚訝得看著他。

To my astonishment it had completely disappeared 使我驚訝的是,它消失得無影無蹤了

To my astonishment , it had completely disappeared 令我吃驚的是,它消失的無影無蹤。

The public astonishment had reached its height 人們的驚愕已達到了無以復加的地步。

The major s eyes dilated with pleasing astonishment 少校的眼睛驚喜地睜得圓圓的。

“my dear miss elliot!“ exclaimed mrs. clay, lifting up her hands and eyes, and sinking all the rest of her astonishment in a convenient silence . “親愛的埃利奧特小姐!”克萊夫人喊了一聲,同時舉起兩手,抬起雙眼,接著她又采取最簡便的辦法,用沉默抑制住了她全部的余驚。

A speech he made to an american division shortly after his arrival in the united kingdom caused more than a ripple of astonishment and press comment . 他到達英國不久后向一個美國部隊所作的演講,曾引起軒然大波和輿論的抨擊。

To these various attentions, mr. swiveller submitted in a kind of grateful astonishment beyond the reach of language . 對于這些各式各樣的照顧,斯威夫勒先生服服貼貼地接受,表示出不是言語所能形容的感激與驚奇。