
astonish vt.使吃驚,使驚訝。 be astonished at...

Napoleon was astonished , “ either you are mad , or i am , “ he declared . 拿破侖感到很驚訝,他斷言道:“不是你瘋了,就是我瘋了。”

Hannah had “dished up“ an astonishing breakfast for the traveler . 海納為遠歸者“準備”了一頓絕妙的早餐。

He shook his head, “you are truly an astonishing woman. “ 他搖了搖頭,“你真是個了不起的女人。”

“admire me?“ his tone was blank, astonished . “贊賞我?”他的聲音是不解的,驚訝的。


Sunday came and i refused to go to church and uncle clark and aunt jody were astonished . 禮拜天到了,我拒絕去做禮拜,克拉克舅舅和喬迪舅媽都十分驚訝。

His father was astonished to see her, and beside himself with anger; but john was glad . 父親見了她驚訝不已,氣得都要發狂。可是約翰卻興高采烈。

He stood rooted for a moment, astonished at how swiftly thought had become deed . 他一動不動地站了一會兒,對思想這么快就變成行動感到驚奇。

But the final impression of her works is astonishing integrity and originality . 但是她的作品最后留給人的印象,卻是驚人的完整和富于獨創。

When we shift to avowed novels, the turnover of the generations is an astonishing feature . 談到公認的小說,這幾十年出版的數量實在驚人。

In 1932, an american scientist reported an unexpected and astonishing discovery . 1932年一位美國科學家報告了一個出人意外的驚人發現。

Napoleon was astonished , “ either you are mad , or i am , “ he declared . 拿破侖感到很驚訝,他斷言道:“不是你瘋了,就是我瘋了。”

She is astonished into quiet and sits listening to the other two . 她感到太意外,不知道說什么才好,于是就坐在那兒聽他們兩個人談話。

It was astonishing to observe how suddenly the boat would spin around and turn tail . 瞧著船只如何驟然旋轉而逃,真使人觸目驚心。

One of the young children burst into frightened tears at the astonishing sight . 一個小孩子看到這副奇怪的容貌嚇得哇的大哭起來。

When helium is cooled to very low temperatures, it forms an astonishing liquid . 當氦冷卻到很低溫度時,它會形成一種奇妙的液體。

They faced each other on the bright beach, astonished at the rub of feeling . 在明亮的海灘上他們對視著,為感情的齟齬而吃驚。

Moses was astonished by his vehemence, and fierce, glowing look . 摩西被他這種氣勢洶洶的樣子和那冒火的刺人目光弄得莫名其妙。

It is astonishing how much the state of the body influences the powers of the mind . 身體狀況對思考能力的影響真是大得驚人。

One of the astonishing properties of this superfluid is that it flows uphill . 這種超流體的一個令人驚訝的性質是它向上流動。