
aston n.阿斯頓〔姓氏〕。

“ i watched his debut against aston villa on television , and i also saw his great goal against chelsea “我通過電視觀看了他對維拉的處子秀,我也看了他對切爾西的那粒偉大進球。 ”

“ the main idea is prepare as well as possible for the first premiership game against aston villa . “最主要的是,要盡可能為首場英超對阿斯頓維拉的比賽作好準備。 ”


Manchester united have denied reports that full back phil bardsley could be sold to premiership rivals aston villa 曼聯否認了有關將出售邊后衛菲爾.巴茲利給英超球隊阿斯頓維拉的報道。

Aston villa defender martin laursen will be out of action for up to three months with medial ligament damage 阿斯頓維拉的后衛馬丁?勞爾森因為內側韌帶的傷勢有可能在三個月內無法上場。

Jose mourinho felt his side deserved to come away from their game against aston villa with all three points 何塞-穆里尼奧認為他的球隊理應從他們比賽的對手- - -阿斯頓維拉身上全取3分。

Liverpool ' s premiership clash at aston villa in march has been put back by 24 hours for live coverage on sky tv 因為電視轉播的原因,利物浦三月份客場和維拉的比賽將推遲24小時進行

“ i watched his debut against aston villa on television , and i also saw his great goal against chelsea “我通過電視觀看了他對維拉的處子秀,我也看了他對切爾西的那粒偉大進球。 ”

Aston university offers comfortable and convenient accommodation , with over 2 , 100 places available , all on campus 阿斯頓大學提供舒適和方便的住宿,包括校園內的2100多個住處。

John : hello , miss li . glad to meet you . i ' m john goodyear , from uk , graduated from aston university 李小姐,你好。很高興見到你。我是約翰.古德伊爾,英國人,阿斯頓大學畢業。

Randy lerner is in control at aston villa and stanley kroenke has purchased a major stake in arsenal 蘭迪萊納擁有阿斯頓維拉、斯坦利克倫克購買了阿森納的很大一部分股份。

Milan baros ' agent has confirmed that chelsea are interested in bringing the aston villa striker to stamford bridge 巴羅什的經紀人證實切爾西有興趣將維拉前鋒引到斯坦福橋。

Aston villa is the fourth most successful club in english football history , having won 21 major honours 阿斯頓維拉是英國足球歷史上第四成功的俱樂部,獲得過21個主要的榮譽。

Andriy shevchenko should return to chelsea action on wednesday in the carling cup match against aston villa at the bridge 舍瓦應該會在周三主場對維拉的比賽當中上場。

Aston villa finished bottom of the premiership popularity table with arsenal and chelsea completing the relegation places 阿士東維拉擊敗了阿仙奴和車路士排在榜沒。

“ the main idea is prepare as well as possible for the first premiership game against aston villa . “最主要的是,要盡可能為首場英超對阿斯頓維拉的比賽作好準備。 ”

Aston business school is consistently ranked in the top 10 of uk business schools by the times 阿斯頓商學院在泰晤士報的排名中一直位于英國商學院排行前10位。

Aston university has been at the leading edge of engineering and applied science since 1895 自1895年起,阿斯頓大學的工程及應用科學已經處于領先的地位。

Today he warns that the players will be exhausted on saturday for the visit of aston villa 今天他提醒到,球員們會在周六與阿斯頓維拉的比賽中消耗殆盡。

Of course , if you ' re not in europe it ' s a lot easier , as for aston villa 當然,如果你沒有參加歐冠比賽的話,你能得到更多的休息,就像阿斯頓維拉一樣。