
astir adj.〔多作表語〕,adv.1.活動;哄動。2.起床,...

I says to meself , “ that ' s early for spring to be astir 我覺得這次來得太早了


Seven stars colloid mill principle of work full sound of something astir grinding pan tooth profile incline relative motion but becomes , high speed revolves , another static causes the material to receive the enormous shearing force and the friction force through tooth profile incline between material , at the same time and so on under the complex strength function causes the material for the fluid ultramicron smashing , the emulsification , the disperser , isotropically at the high frequency vibration and the high speed whirlpool , to stir and so on the function , may replace and surpass the stone mill , the sand blast machine , the ball mill , the breast is uniform machine , cuts the mulser , three rollers machine , organizes working efficiency and so on the stamp mill 七星膠體磨可干燥兩式運轉先進機械,其工作原理充分動靜磨盤齒形斜面的相對運動而成,其中一個高速旋轉,另一個靜止使物料通過齒形斜面之間的物料受到極大的剪切力和摩擦力,同時又在高頻震動和高速旋渦等復雜力的作用下使物料為流體超微粒粉碎、乳化、分散、均質、攪拌、混合等多種功能,可代替并優于石磨,砂磨機、球磨機、乳勻機、剪切乳化機、三輥機、組織搗碎機等工作效率。

Seven stars colloid mill principle of work full sound of something astir grinding pan tooth profile incline relative motion but becomes , high speed revolves , another static causes the material to receive the enormous shearing force and the friction force through tooth profile incline between material , at the same time and so on under the complex strength function causes the material for the fluid ultramicron smashing , the emulsification , the disperser , isotropically at the high frequency vibration and the high speed whirlpool , to stir and so on the function , may replace and surpass the stone mill , the sand blast machine , the ball mill , the breast is uniform machine , cuts the mulser , three rollers machine , organizes working efficiency and so on the stamp mill 七星膠體磨工作原理充分動靜磨盤齒形斜面的相對運動而成,其中一個高速旋轉,另一個靜止使物料通過齒形斜面之間的物料受到極大的剪切力和摩擦力,同時又在高頻震動和高速旋渦等復雜力的作用下使物料為流體超微粒粉碎、乳化、分散、均質、攪拌、混合等多種功能,可代替并優于石磨,砂磨機、球磨機、乳勻機、剪切乳化機、三輥機、組織搗碎機等工作效率。

The big dipper colloid mill principle of work full sound of something astir grinding pan tooth profile incline relative motion but becomes , high speed revolves , another static causes the material to receive the enormous shearing force and the friction force through tooth profile incline between material , at the same time and so on under the complex strength function causes the material for the fluid ultramicron smashing , the emulsification , the disperser , isotropically at the high frequency vibration and the high speed whirlpool , to stir and so on the function , may replace and surpass the stone mill , the sand blast machine , the ball mill , the breast is uniform machine , cuts the mulser , three rollers machine , organizes working efficiency and so on the stamp mill 七星膠體磨工作原理充分動靜磨盤齒形斜面的相對運動而成,其中一個高速旋轉,另一個靜止使物料通過齒形斜面之間的物料受到極大的剪切力和摩擦力,同時又在高頻震動和高速旋渦等復雜力的作用下使物料為流體超微粒粉碎、乳化、分散、均質、攪拌等功能,可代替并優于石磨,砂磨機、球磨機、乳勻機、剪切乳化機、三輥機、組織搗碎機等工作效率。

His light , a little later , broke through chinks of cottage shutters , throwing stripes like red - hot pokers upon cupboards , chests of drawers , and other furniture within ; and awakening harvesters who were not already astir 過了一會兒,他的光線穿過農家小屋百葉窗的縫隙,好像一根根燒紅了的通條,照射在屋內的碗櫥五斗櫥和其它的家具上喚醒了還處在睡夢中的收獲莊稼的農工們。

It opened into the house , where the females were already astir , zillah urging flakes of flame up the chimney with a colossal bellows ; and mrs heathcliff , kneeling on the hearth , reading a book by the aid of the blaze 那扇門通到大廳,女人們已經在那兒走動了:拉用一只巨大的風箱把火苗吹上煙囪希刺克厲夫夫人,跪在爐邊,借著火光讀著一本書。

With little adele in my arms , i watched the slumber of childhood - so tranquil , so passionless , so innocent - and waited for the coming day : all my life was awake and astir in my frame : and as soon as the sun rose i rose too 我摟著阿黛勒,瞧著孩子沉沉睡去一那么平靜,那么安寧,那么天真等待著來日,我的整個生命蘇醒了,在我軀體內躁動著。

On the 8th of october , the very day when at headquarters all was astir over the news of macks defeat , the routine of life was going on as before among the officers of this squadron 十月八日,適逢馬克失敗的消息正驚擾大本營的上上下下,騎兵連部的行軍生活照舊是風平浪靜。

In the sunshine of the morning , beneath the wide , blue heavens , with a fresh wind astir , what fears , except the most desperate , can find a harbourage 走在廣闊的藍天下,沐浴著早上的陽光,清新的空氣撲面而來,除了絕望無路的人,什么害怕擔心有立足之地呢。

The court was all astir and a - buzz , when the black sheep - whom many fell away from in dread - pressed him into an obscure corner among the crowd 那只黑色的綿羊許多人一見他便嚇得躲開把他塞進入群中一個不起眼的角落去時,法庭里正是一片喧嘩與騷動。

Through the three open gates might have been observed , passing in , the ardent life of the boulevards , which were all astir and aflare under the fine april night 從敞開的三道柵欄門望出去,只見馬路上熱鬧非凡,在這晴朗的四月的夜晚,燈火通明。

It opened into the house , where the females were already astir ; zillah urging flakes of flame up the chimney with a colossal bellows ; and mrs 接著,更有活力的腳步走了進來,而這次,我也開口道“早安” ,但是沒有人回應,我只好閉嘴。

Belluomo rises from the bed of his wife s lover s wife , the kerchiefed housewife is astir , a saucer of acetic acid in her hands 漂亮男人96從他妻子之姘夫的老婆那張床上爬了起來,包著頭巾的主婦手持一碟醋酸,忙來忙去。

Some few men were still astir in odd corners of moscow , aimlessly following their old habits , with no understanding of what they were doing 在莫斯科各個角落,仍有人在不理智地蠅營狗茍一如往昔,而且不知其所為何事。

No need to cower behind a gate - post , indeed ! - to peep up at chamber lattices , fearing life was astir behind them 沒有必要躲在門柱后面畏縮不前了,真的!沒有必要偷偷地眺望房間的格子窗,而擔心窗后已有動靜!

The residents of the scale yard are all astir with the news of iksar ships being sighted 鱗之庭園的居民都對于目擊到伊克薩船只的消息而騷動了起來,和那邊的居民對話來了解他們相信什麼。

I know not only why today my life is all astir , and a feeling of tremulous joy is passing through my heart 我不知道為什么今天我的生活完全激動了,一種狂歡的感覺穿過了我的心。

My faculties , roused by the change of scene , the new field offered to hope , seemed all astir 由于這改變了的環境,這充滿希望的新天地,我的各種官能都復活了,變得異常活躍。

Very early the next morning i heard him up and astir , wandering from one room to another 第二天一早,我聽見他起來走動了,從一個房間摸到另一個房間。