
astigmatism n.1.散光,亂視。2.【物理學】散像性,散像現象。

The doctor must make certain that there is no other cause of visual loss such as macular degeneration , macular hole , nearsightedness , farsightedness , astigmatism , epimacular membranes , cataract , amblyopia ( “ lazy eye “ ) , previous retinal detachment , or circulatory problems 醫生必須先確認并非其它因素的造成的(諸如斑點惡化,眼中穿洞,近視,遠視,散光斑點膜,白內障,弱視,早先的視網膜分離或是其它問題)才可以考慮用于手術治療。


Corneal surfaces in eyes with regular astigmatism are thought to be toroidal surfaces . based on mathematical models for corneal surfaces before and after treatment , a corneal ablation model is given for such refractive errors as spherical myopia , compound myopic astigmatism , and simple myopic astigmatism . a similar corneal ablation model is also given for such refractive errors as hyperopia , compound hyperopic astigmatism , and simple hyperopic astigmatism 采用超環面( toroidalsurface )建立起規則散光下的角膜曲面模型方程;定量研究了手術光學區屈光不正兩種通用的矯正模型,一種模型適用于單純近視、復性近視散光、單純近視散光的矯正,另一種模型適用于單純遠視、復性遠視散光、單純遠視散光的矯正;另外,作為影響手術效果的重要因素,提出了一種用于光學區直徑和過渡區寬度均可調節時過渡區角膜切削量的計算模型。

It is shown , through the analysis of their surface power and astigmatism , that the shape of the meridian line has significant influence upon the distributions of surface power and astigmatism . their keystone distortion is small . in this way , pal meeting different circumstances can be designed 最后,舉例設計了光焦度增量為2 . 50m ~ ( - 1 )的幾種漸變鏡片,通過對設計結果分析研究,指出可得到梯形畸變較小的pal鏡片,子午線光焦度漸增多項式參數的選取會影響鏡片球面度和柱面度的大小和分布,由此,可設計滿足不同使用要求的漸變鏡片。

Using the new excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy ( prk ) , the molecular bond of the corneal stroma is broken to allow recofiguration of the cornealsurface . this photo - ablation effect can treat severe myopia , astigmatism , and a variety of corneal diseases using photo - therapeutic keratectomy ( ptk ) . the safety , predictability , and long - term stability are well established in major western medical facilities 準分子激光技術在國內、外安全使用十一年,并得到眾多醫學權威機構的認定,具有安全性及精確度高、可預測性強、長期穩定性好的特點,我院已為幾百名近視患者實施了這種手術, 90的患者術后視力達到1 . 0以上。

The optimum position of focal spot of pumping laser through coupling system is calculated . in the fifth chapter , the optical characteristics of nd : yvo4 and lbo are studied . the astigmatism problem of resonant cavity is explored thoroughly under the condition of thermal lens effect 第五章分析了nd : yvo _ 4和lbo晶體的光學特性,深入分析了在引入熱透鏡效應的情況下諧振腔的像散問題,設計了四鏡z型折疊腔,應用abcd定律計算優化選擇了一組腔參數。

The doctor must make certain that there is no other cause of visual loss such as macular degeneration , macular hole , nearsightedness , farsightedness , astigmatism , epimacular membranes , cataract , amblyopia ( “ lazy eye “ ) , previous retinal detachment , or circulatory problems 醫生必須先確認并非其它因素的造成的(諸如斑點惡化,眼中穿洞,近視,遠視,散光斑點膜,白內障,弱視,早先的視網膜分離或是其它問題)才可以考慮用于手術治療。

Newest research thinks , children obtained much information from inside tv , computer , books and newspaper , however cannot true and false of group screening , resolution , cause addlebrained , used up many mental , this is the main reason that causes myopic , astigmatism 最新研究認為,兒童從電視、電腦、書報中獲得了大量的信息,卻不能分類篩選、分辨真假,造成頭腦混亂,消耗了大量的腦力,這是造成近視、散光的重要原因。

The effectie phaco time , the phaco power during the surgery , and the best - corrected ision acuity ( bca ) , contrast sensitiity , postoperatie astigmatism , total aberrations , and higher - order aberrations were recorded at 1 month postoperatiely 有效玻切時間,術中超聲能量,最佳校正視覺敏感度( bca ) ,對照靈敏度,術后散光,總色差,和高階色差均在術后一個月紀錄。

Astigmatism is caused by differences in the curvature of the cornea in different meridians , distorts the light rays entering the eye and prevents them from focusing sharply . astigmatism can occur with short - sightedness and long - sightedness 如果角膜稍有弧度不一,某一面弧度較彎,而另一方較扁平,光線便不能準確地聚焦在視網膜上,這種情況便稱為散光。

Myopic , astigmatism is mental use up too big , ministry of eye of internal lesion caused by overexertion enrages blood , body endotoxin accumulation is excreted not free , cause what nutrition allocates an eye not quite and happen 近視、散光是腦力消耗太大,勞傷眼部氣血,體內毒素堆積排泄不暢,造成營養不夠分配到眼睛而發生的。

Regarding postoperatie astigmatism , dr . ma said that less induced astigmatism was obsered in the patients who underwent the ultra - small - incision coaxial ( 應 為 bimanual ) phaco compared with that seen in the conentional procedure 有關術后散光問題,馬博士說:實驗顯示應用雙路微超玻切技術誘發散光的概率低于采用常規手術組。

We also prospectively studied the post - operative changes of visual acuity , astigmatism , and endothelial cell loss of the alternative technique as compared with those occurring when ecce and phacoemulsification were performed 結果顯示晶核切割術及晶體乳化術優于囊外白內障摘除術,有較佳的早期視力回復及較少的術后散光。

We had found that the error of predicted refraction may present with cases of large deviation between the preoperative and the postoperative keratometric measurement , or high corneal astigmatism 我們發覺手術前后角膜曲度變化量較大或術后散光較高的病患群中,其預測的人工水晶體度數亦有較大的誤差。

Astigmatism occurs if the cornea is shaped like a rugby its curvature is not uniform . as a result horizontal lines are focused to a different point from vertical lines 若角膜呈欖球形狀,即其弧度呈不規則,水平光線將聚焦在和垂直光線不同的焦點,這便是散光。

Taylorhr , guest cs , kelly p , et al . comparison of excimer laser treatment of astigmatism and myopic . arch ophthalmol , 1993 , 111 : 1621 王錚,陳家祺,楊斌.準分子激光角膜切削術治療近視散光的臨床分析.中華眼科雜志, 1997 , 33 : 132

Asia medicare limited , hong kong laser eye centre , refractive errors : myopia short - sightedness , hyperopia long - sightedness and astigmatism 亞洲醫療服務香港有限公司,香港激光矯視中心,屈光不正:近視遠視散光及老花-

In a nutshell , refractive surgery involves operating on a healthy eye to remove nearsightedness , farsightedness , or astigmatism 概言之,激光矯視是指施行手術于健康之眼,以消除近視遠視或散光。

The excimer laser refractive surgical instrument can be used to correct myopia , hyperopia astigmatism diopter 摘要準分子激光眼科治療機可以用來進行近視、遠視、散光等屈光不正的矯正手術。

Analysis on three - year follow - up results of excimer laser photor efractive keratectomy in treatment for myopia and myopic astigmatism 準分子激光屈光性角膜切削術治療近視一年療效分析