
assyrian adj.亞述的;亞述人[語]的。n.亞述人[語]。

These types of jasper are called “ picture jasper “ . jasper was a favorite gem in ancient times and is referenced in greek , hebrew , assyrian and latin literature 這一款天然紅碧玉開運手環,以22顆直徑為8mm的天然紅碧玉串成,色澤溫婉可人。

“ the boy stood on the burning deck “ followed ; also “ the assyrian came down , “ and other declamatory gems 隨后有人背誦了“那個男孩子站在燃燒的甲板上” , “亞述人走來了”等一些名篇。

“ it is true , o lord , that the assyrian kings have laid waste all these peoples and their lands 18耶和華阿,亞述諸王果然使列國,和列國之地變為荒涼。


He correctly predicted the destruction of samaria , or northern israel , in 722 bc , and he declared the assyrians to be the instrument of god ' s wrath 他正確的斷言以色列北部撒馬利亞于西元前722年毀滅,他還宣布亞述人將是行使上帝的懲罰的工具。

Assyrians are a semitic peoples indigenous to mesopotamia . they are mediterranean caucasoids , and are ethnically distinct from arabs and jews 亞述人是美索不達米亞的本土的閃族。他們是地中海高加索人中,從人種上于阿拉伯人和猶太人截然不同。

These types of jasper are called “ picture jasper “ . jasper was a favorite gem in ancient times and is referenced in greek , hebrew , assyrian and latin literature 這一款天然紅碧玉開運手環,以22顆直徑為8mm的天然紅碧玉串成,色澤溫婉可人。

Behold , the assyrian was a cedar in lebanon with fair branches , and with a shadowing shroud , and of an high stature ; and his top was among the thick boughs 3亞述王曾如黎巴嫩中的香柏樹,枝條榮美,影密如林,極其高大,樹尖插入云中。

Without the human figure , it is a symbol of the sun - god shamash , but with the human figure , it is the symbol of the assyrian national god assur 沒有人類外形,它是象征著太陽神沙瑪什;但有了人類外貌,它就象征亞述本土的神阿舒爾。

Jasper was a favourite gem in the ancient world ; its name can be traced back in hebrew , assyrian , persian , greek and latin 紋帶與圖案。風景瑪瑙是古代最受歡迎的寶石之一,其名字可追溯到希伯來文敘利亞文波斯文希臘文和拉丁文。

The assyrian king remembers his glorious ones : they stumble in their march ; they hasten to the wall of the city , but the besiegers ' shelter is prepared 5亞述王招聚他的貴胄:他們顛躓而行,奔上城墻,但攻城者的防障已經備妥。

Following the assyrian judgment which primarily effected the northern kingdom of israel , god sent the babylonians to judge the southern kingdom of judah 在主要影響北國以色列的亞述審判時期以后,上帝用巴比倫人審判南國猶大。

She gave herself as a prostitute to all the elite of the assyrians and defiled herself with all the idols of everyone she lusted after 7阿荷拉就與亞述人中最美的男子放縱淫行他因所戀愛之人的一切偶像、玷污自己。

These same achaemenids also adopted assyrian and babylonian motifs for their monumental art , including the winged disc 同樣是這些阿切曼尼人也采用了阿述和巴比倫的圖案作為他們的紀念碑藝術,包括有翼的圓盤。

Very soon after that , the two other great assyrian cities were settled , ashur and arbel , although an exact date has yet to be determined 這之后不久(公元前500年以后不久) ,另外兩個亞述的主要城市固定了。

Assyrians continued to practice ashurism until 256 a . d , although by that time , most assyrians had accepted christianity 亞述人直到公元256年仍然保持著阿舒爾角,雖然那個時候,不少亞述人已經接受了基督教。

As regards assyrians , because of it rich corn fields , arbel was one of the very earliest permanent agricultural settlements 作為亞述人,由于他們的富足的玉米田,阿貝俄成為當時最大的長久農業生產地之一。

By the sixth century a . d . , assyrians had begun exporting back to byzantia their own works on science , philosophy and medicine 到公元六世紀,亞述人開始向拜占庭出口他們的科學,哲學核醫學著作。

The assyrian people survived the loss of their state , and they remained mostly inconspicuous for the next 600 years 亞述人喪失了他們的城邦卻生存了下來,他們毫不引人注意的殘存了以后的600年。

You engaged in prostitution with the assyrians too , because you were insatiable ; and even after that , you still were not satisfied 28你因貪色無厭、又與亞述人行淫、與他們行淫之后仍不滿意。