
assessor n.1.財產估價人;估稅員。2.陪審法官;助理行政官。

“ when performing their duties , the judicial assessors shall have equal rights and obligations as the judges . 陪審員在執行陪審職務時,與審判員有同等的權利義務。

Hoklas “ guide for hong kong assessors 認可計劃《香港評核人員手冊》


This could be attributed to our students ' above average performance in interview sessions with foreigner assessors 此榮耀歸功于本校學生和外籍老師的對話練習,有高于一般水準的表現。

You have to provide documents as evidence for deductions claims when the assessor requires you to do so 評稅主任可能會在日后審批你的扣稅申請或復核檔案時,要求你遞交有關文件查閱。

Many of the other types of objections are also settled by agreements between the taxpayers and the assessors concerned 至于其他反對個案,亦多數由納稅人與評稅主任達成協議而解決。

Most of the other types of objections are also settled by agreement between the taxpayers and the assessors concerned 至于其他反對個案,亦多數由納稅人與評稅主任達成協議而了結。

Standard guide for selection , assignment , and monitoring of persons to be utilized as assessors auditors or technical experts 評審員審核員或技術專家的選擇委派和監控的標準指南

For the purpose of property tax assessments , the assessor will not ask for evidence of the actual expenses incurred 當評核物業稅時,評稅主任亦不會要求業主提供實際支出的證明。

When performing their functions in the people ' s courts , the people ' s assessors shall enjoy equal rights with the judges 人民陪審員在人民法院執行職務,同審判員有同等的權利。

More than 200 standard assessor s notes have been rewritten . they are now more user - friendly and comprehensible 稅務局更重新編寫超過200個標準評稅主任附注,使其更簡潔易明。

Methods for sensory analysis of food - initiation and training of assessors in the detection and recognition of odours 食品感官分析法.第9部分:氣味檢測和辨別人員的選拔培訓

The assessor had agreed to let me carry forward this loss to the year of assessment 200304 under profits tax 評稅主任已準許我將此虧損轉入200304課稅年度以抵銷該年的利潤。

Most of the other types of objections are also settled by agreement between the taxpayer and the assessor 至于其他反對個案,亦多數由納稅人與評稅主任達成協議而解決。

Further enquiries should be directed to the assessor donations on 2594 5300 . lau mak yee - ming , alice 如有任何進一步查詢,可致電2594 5300與評稅主任慈善捐款組聯絡。

Sensory analysis . general guidance for the selection , training and monitoring of assessors . part 2 : experts 感官分析.評定員的選擇培訓和監督的通用指南.第2部分:專家

Other objections are also generally settled by agreement between the taxpayers and assessors concerned 至于其他反對個案,亦多數由納稅人與評稅主任達成協議而了結。

“ when performing their duties , the judicial assessors shall have equal rights and obligations as the judges . 陪審員在執行陪審職務時,與審判員有同等的權利義務。

A team comprising hkas officers and technical assessors will carry out the formal assessment 稍后,由認可處人員及技術評審員組成的小組將進行正式評審。

Assessors for sensory analysis - guide to the selection , training and monitoring of selected assessors 感官器分析評定員.被選評定員的挑選培訓和監督指南