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assembly program 【計算機】匯編程序,組合程序。

After about two years “ insisting and hard working , this goal set at the beginning has become true . the developed c54x general assembly program for g . 729 speech signal compressing algorithm has passed the tracking with more than 3 , 000 unitary standard measuring vectors . g . 729 speech signal compressing compiler using c54x general assembly program has been accomplished real - timely , and undistorted rebuilt speech signals have been obtained 因此本課題選用c54x的通用匯編語言編程實現g . 729語音壓縮編碼算法,調試并通過了統一標準測試矢量三千多幀,最終在5402開發實驗板上實時實現了g . 729語音壓縮編碼器,獲得未失真的重建語音信號。

assembly room

It divides one mpeg _ 2 ts whose data rate is 4 . 096mbps into two e1 data streams whose data rate are 2 . 048mbps . a re - assembly program is also designed which assembles two data streams at 2 . 048mbps into one data stream at 4 . 096mbps . both of the programs are simulated on computer 對于反向復用,先介紹了反向復用的基本原理及其復用的幾種類型,編寫了用fpga實現將一路傳輸率為4 . 096mbps的mpeg _ 2ts流分接為兩路傳輸率為2 . 048mbps的數據流的分裝程序,和將兩路傳輸率為2 . 048mbps的數據流組裝為一路傳輸率為4 . 096mbps的數據流的組裝程序,并進行計算機仿真。

To improve the efficiency of assembly programming for microcontroller and to shorten the developing period , this article discussed the composition key element , function , characteristic and designing mentality of the developing platform of the mcu assembly language , also gave the basic procedure block diagram of the mathematical operation platform based on the view of the platform 摘要為了提高單片機匯編語言程序的編程效率,縮短開發周期,從平臺模式的觀點出發,闡述了單片機匯編語言程序開發平臺的構成要素、功能和特點以及設計思路,并給出數學運算平臺的基本程序框圖。

After about two years “ insisting and hard working , this goal set at the beginning has become true . the developed c54x general assembly program for g . 729 speech signal compressing algorithm has passed the tracking with more than 3 , 000 unitary standard measuring vectors . g . 729 speech signal compressing compiler using c54x general assembly program has been accomplished real - timely , and undistorted rebuilt speech signals have been obtained 因此本課題選用c54x的通用匯編語言編程實現g . 729語音壓縮編碼算法,調試并通過了統一標準測試矢量三千多幀,最終在5402開發實驗板上實時實現了g . 729語音壓縮編碼器,獲得未失真的重建語音信號。

We use the dynamic c as develop tools , the language of dynamic c is the same as assembly program . it can be worked on the computer ' s hardware . so it has the vitue of real - time 在開發程序語言的運用方面,我們所采用的是動態c語言。動態c語言像匯編語言一樣,可以對機器硬件進行操作,在編程上具有實時性的特點。

The software development comprises the compile of the microcontroller ' s assembly program and the compile of the communication program between the computer and the microcontroller 軟件開發包括單片機匯編程序的編寫和pc機與單片機通信程序的編寫。

To both add a module reference to an assembly and make the module s type information available to the assembly program 向程序集添加模塊引用,并使模塊的類型信息可用于程序集程序。

The correctness of the algorithm is verified on a sample assembly program and it ' s time complexity is analyzed also 實驗證明,該方法能高效準確地計算出給定匯編程序的分支路徑數。

Type information in the module will not be available to the assembly program that added the module reference 模塊中的類型信息對于添加了模塊引用的程序集程序不可用。

Then an assembly program was composed to test and verify the function of the scm 并根據此單片機的指令系統編寫匯編程序,驗證了單片機各條指令的功能。

Insert your assembly program here . note , the code below is non - functional 把你的匯編程序插在此處。注意,下面的代碼沒有任何實際功能。

An algorithm for calculating the branch routes of an assembly program in software coverage testing 匯編程序覆蓋測試中分支路徑數的計算

Performance and evaluation of processors , assembly programming , and unlimited shareware -介紹最新的機器人新聞,以及相關技術,論壇

Programs which translate assembly programs to object programs are called assemblers 將匯編程序轉化成目標程序的程序稱為匯編語言。

Fear not : no assembly programming is required to understand this article 但是,不必擔心,理解本文并不需要掌握匯編語言編程。

What aspects of your district assembly program are already in place 你的地區講習會節目有哪些方面已經就緒?

Codap control data assembly program 控制數據匯編程序

Creating and using strong - named assemblies programming with assemblies 創建和使用具有強名稱的程序集