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assembly plant 裝配廠。

Since the electronic products renew very often and competition of industry become increasingly vigorous , the electronic element firms as the assembly plants “ suppliers are comfronted by the pressure of persistant cost reduction , while the life cycle of electronic element also get shortened 隨著電子技術的日新月異、電子產品更新換代迅速、行業競爭日趨激烈,給為之配套的上游電子元器件企業帶來了產品生命周期縮短、持續降低成本的壓力加大的影響。

assembly program

The enterprise ' s manufacturing features are that depending on key technology and designing , many more variety and quantity of parts , belonging to assembly plant of single , no mass manufacturing . to meet the needs of manufacturing features , a whole layout of enterprise information platform is designed under the directing of cim , mrpii , jit , bpr and erp . the implementing plans in the whole layout are proposed 針對公司“依靠核心技術和設計,產品零部件品種多、數量大,屬單件訂單,非批量的裝配性企業”的生產特點;以cims 、 mrpii 、 jit 、 bpr 、 erp的基本思想為指導,為公司信息化平臺的構建做了一個整體規劃,并給出了階段實施計劃。

After comparing the effect each mode makes between h company and each of the relevant firms , this research tries to find out an optimal inter - organizational structure mode between h company , distributors , assembly plants , and key material suppliers . this research emphasizes to analyse how the demand fluctuation has great impact on h company ' s inventory and service level , and explore the essential cause which results in problems . and to next , we come to understand how vmi and tpl act positively to reduce safety inventory , improve quick response to customer ' s need , and enhance the information availability 本文的研究重點在于分析了兩種不同性質的需求波動對h公司的影響,指出產生高庫存與低訂單及時率問題的根本原因在于下游企業需求波動的影響,以及詳細探討并驗證了供應商管理庫存模式( vmi )和第三方物流模式( tpl )對降低局部系統庫存、提高服務水平、增強信息可得性的作用和對雙方的利益所在,并從h公司的立場出發,在風險共擔的原則下,探討了建立一定組織結構模式的必要條件和h公司所需付出的投入。

Since the electronic products renew very often and competition of industry become increasingly vigorous , the electronic element firms as the assembly plants “ suppliers are comfronted by the pressure of persistant cost reduction , while the life cycle of electronic element also get shortened 隨著電子技術的日新月異、電子產品更新換代迅速、行業競爭日趨激烈,給為之配套的上游電子元器件企業帶來了產品生命周期縮短、持續降低成本的壓力加大的影響。

Scm can be thought of as the management of material and information flows both in and between facilities such as vendors , manufacturing and assembly plants , and distribution centers , with information technology ( it ) playing a vital role in this management 供應鏈管理可被視為零售商、制造商與分配中心之間物流與信息流的管理,而信息科技在供應鏈管理中則位居極為關鍵的地位。

Gm canada is also set to announce on wednesday that it will spend about $ 2bn to improve the flexibility of two car assembly plants in oshawa , ontario , and expand its engine plant in st catharines , ontario 通用加拿大公司也將于周三宣布,它將投資約20億美元,用以改善安大略省奧薩瓦的兩家汽車裝配工廠的靈活性,并擴大安大略省圣凱瑟琳發動機工廠的規模。

The change will help hitachi save nearly $ 300 million over the next five years by bringing component manufacturing closer to the company ' s final assembly plants in thailand and china , hitachi said 日立表示,由于日立的硬盤組裝廠位于泰國和中國,此舉將使日立降低生產和運輸成本。通過此次重組,日立未來5年內有望節省3億美元的支出。

The change will help hitachi save nearly $ 300 million overthenext five years by bringing component manufacturing closer tothecompanys final assembly plants in thailand and china , hitachisaid 日立表示,由于日立的硬盤組裝廠位于泰國和中國,此舉將使日立降低生產和運輸成本。通過此次重組,日立未來5年內有望節省3億美元的支出。

Zf lemforder automotive systems ( shenyang ) co . , ltd . , german - owned subsidiary of the chassis components and system division of zf , is an axle assembly plant for bmw group in shenyang 采埃孚倫福德汽車系統(沈陽)有限公司是采埃孚集團底盤零部件和系統技術部的一家德國全資子公司,在沈陽為寶馬集團組裝配套生產車橋。

Nissan said last month it would reduce production at two car assembly plants in japan for three months starting in april to adjust inventory levels and prepare for a seasonal downturn in demand 日產上個月表示,自4月起的3個月內,將降低日本兩個汽車組裝廠的產量,以調整庫存,并預先為季節性需求疲軟做準備。

Near the gates of foxconn , a huge electronics assembly plant that is one of the city of shenzhen ' s largest employers , a half - dozen former factory workers lounged in the shade on a recent afternoon 深圳最大就業機會提供者鴻海電子組裝廠的大門口附近,最近一個午后六個工廠離職員工懶洋洋的坐在陰涼處

Mr . hu underlined china ' s importance to the u . s . economy by making his first u . s . stops at the headquarters of software giant microsoft and a boeing aircraft assembly plant 主席將微軟總部和波音公司的一個飛機組裝廠作為作為此次美國之行的首站,就是為了強調中國對美國經濟的重要性。

Airbus signed a framework agreement with the chinese authorities last october to build its first aircraft assembly plant outside europe at tianjin in eastern china 去年10月,空客和中國有關部門簽訂了一項框架協議,在中國天津市建立其歐洲以外的首家飛機組裝廠。

On april 2 , 2002 , hyundai motor announced that it selected a site in alabama for its new assembly plant in the united states 2002年4月2日, (韓國)現代汽車公司宣布選擇在阿拉巴馬州修建在美國的第一個汽車組裝廠。

On october 10th mr gallois travelled to airbus ' s final assembly plant in toulouse to reassure union leaders and local politicians 10月10日,加洛瓦飛往空客位于圖盧斯的總裝廠,安撫工會領袖和當地政客。

To ensure a good electrical properties , the parts were sent to the assembly plant , will first try for cleansing process 為確保產品有良好電器性能,各零件被送往組裝工場前,都會先作清洗處理程序

Boeing said the main body of each 787 will arrive at its main assembly plant in six pieces from around the world 波音公司說:用于組裝客機主體的6個組件將從世界各地運抵西雅圖的主組裝廠。

Automobile assembly plant factory 汽車總裝廠

The car assembly plant offers three - shift jobs 這家汽車組裝廠提供三班制的工作。