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assembly hall 會場;會館。

“ a quick guide for appreciating birds “ cd today at the assembly hall of hong kong society of the blind . thirty visually impaired joined the launching ceremony and tried the cd which records the calls of 20 common wild bird species found in hong kong 世界自然基金會今天假香港盲人輔導會大禮堂舉行出版一張名為聽賞雀鳥指南的光碟發布會,在場的三十多位視障人士亦率先試用光碟。

assembly line

Liyuan plaza , occupying 5 . 4 acres , is located in wensan road 88 # , hangzhou , and here is a building area of 100 , 000m2 , the plaza , including liyuan mansion , liyuan assembly hall , and liyuan technology block , has multifunctions such as business offices , trade , entertainment and recreation 位于杭州市文三路88號,占地33畝,總建筑面積近10萬平方米,由立元大廈、立元會館、立元科技樓三部分組成的,集辦公、貿易、休閑、娛樂為一體的綜合型置業廣場,為集團公司自有資產。

We often associate the chinese traditional theatric buildings with other buildings , such as fane , ancestral hall , commercial assembly hall , and so on , so the chinese traditional theatric buildings are not only related to chinese traditional drama , but also related to religion and human environment of china 中國傳統戲臺觀演場所(除晚期的戲園) ,常常與其它建筑聯系在一起,如神廟建筑、宗祠建筑、商業會館等等,因此戲臺產生、發展、成熟既與戲曲文化有著密切的關系,又與宗教、人文環境相聯系。

Occupying an area of 2 , 000 square meters , the symmetrical layout of the village resembles a chessboard with an entrance hall , an assembly hall and an ancestral hall at the central axis . with four individual houses in the middle , the village is completely walled in by rows of houses at the two sides and the back 博物館的面積約2 , 000平方米,建筑布局有如棋盤,左右對稱,中軸線上分別建有前廳中廳及祠堂兩旁分別為四間獨立的居室,左右及后排的橫屋把整個村莊圍攏起來。

The centre provides comprehensive recreational and sports facilities , including a swimming pool , roller - skating rink , rope course , games hall , recreation room , tv room , cycling area , mini - soccer pitch , rock climbing wall , bbq site , children s playground , gateball court , squash court , archery range , air - conditioned assembly hall , karaoke room , fitness room and dance room 中心設備完善,包括游泳池、滾軸溜冰場、繩網陣、體育館、康樂室、電視室、兒童單車場、小型足球場、運動攀登場、燒烤場、兒童游樂場、門球場、壁球場、箭藝場、冷氣禮堂、卡拉ok室、健身室及舞蹈室等。

Guangdong assembly hall was built in the thirty - third year of guangxu 1907 , made up of houses around courtyard and opera tower . the opera tower is the largest and the most intact classical architecture , its particular style and exquisite woodcarving are unusual in the whole country , and it was chosen as the national fine architecture of modern times in 1991 廣東會館建于光緒三十三年1907 ,由四合院和戲樓組成,戲樓是國內尚存規模最大最完好的古典建筑,其獨特的風格,精湛的木雕,堪稱全國罕見, 1991年被評為全國優秀近代建筑。

Collects the fine conference interior facility to be complete , has the small conference and the multi - purpose assembly halls , the multi - purpose assembly halls may continue 150 human of medium conferences and conduct the large - scale activity , provides the specialized sound , the ultra big background projection , is holds the banquet and the conference place of first choice 匯嘉會議內部設施齊全,有小型會議及多功能會議廳,多功能會議廳可承接150人的中型會議和舉辦大型活動,配備專業音響,超大背景投影,是舉辦宴會和會議的首選之地。

The hangzhou tai xu holiday hotelyun qi building which expands according to the five - star standard design , by has the area 55 square meters leisures ecology guest room , the excellent waterfall swimming pool in the room and has the eastern characteristic the spa life hall , as well as in the nearly 3 , 500 square meters rooms the primary condition green space leisure and nearly 1 , 000 human of assembly halls is a characteristic , take eagerly anticipates the eastern type leisure and makes the domestic first - class leisure hotel as the goal , we sincere hope reaches agreement with you , experiences the eastern leisure together 杭州太虛湖假日酒店按五星級標準設計擴建的云棲樓,以擁有面積55平方米的休閑生態客房,堪稱一絕的室內瀑布型游泳池和具有東方特色的spa生活館,以及近3500平方米的室內原生態綠地休閑吧和可容納近1000人的會議廳為特色,以引領東方式休閑和打造國內一流休閑酒店為目標,真誠希望與您相約,共同體驗東方休閑。

It has the standard two person , the single apartment and the luxurious distinguished guest flatlet , may provide warm for the guest , is comfortable , the sibilant table lodgings environment ; the spacious luxurious assembly hall as necessary receives the size conference ; fused hides the chinese decorates of of of the style the chess sign room , the waiter , the traveling store between the elegant majestic quick dining room , the banquet hall , the luxurious package , the bar , may simultaneously receive several hundred people 它擁有標準雙人間、單人套間和豪華貴賓套房,可以為賓客提供溫暖、舒適、字根表的住宿環境;寬敞豪華的會議廳隨時接待大小會議;融合了藏漢裝飾風格的典雅堂皇的快餐廳、宴會廳、豪華包間、酒吧、棋牌室、茶房、旅游商店可同時接待數百人。

Silver harbour hotel in guangzhou s baiyun mountain area has beautiful scenery , fresh air , the vision , to facilitate traffic flow is , from the guangzhou east train station through train station - 9 only 10 minutes away , one high - speed guangzhou airport , 35 minutes to reach the airport , 25 minutes to pazhou new transactions assembly hall 廣州銀海港賓館位于風景秀麗的白云山腳下,空氣清新,視野開闊,交通十分便利,距廣州火車東站廣九直通車站僅十分鐘路程,鄰廣州機場高速, 35分鐘可達機場, 25分鐘可達琶洲新交易會館。

The hotel has each kind of warm comfortable anteroom , the one - roomed , the standard the altogether 188 sets , is equipped with luxuriously elegant , style different size dining room 3 , each style repair luxurious major and medium small assembly hall 5 , the teahouse , the hall , the gymnasium , the cosmetology styles hair peace and happiness facility and so on the center has it all , lets you while advanced enjoy , prepared modernized facility , feels to our dear ones , is warm , highly effective , the sincere service 酒店擁有各類溫馨舒適的套房、單間、標準間共188套,設有豪華典雅、風格迥異的大小餐廳3個,各具風格裝修豪華的大中小會議廳5個,茶座、堂吧、健身房、美容美發中心等康樂設施一應俱全,讓您在享受先進、齊備的現代化設施的同時,感受到我們親情、溫馨、高效、真誠的服務。

Occupying an area of 2 , 000 square meters , the symmetrical layout of the village resembles a chessboard with an entrance hall , an assembly hall and an ancestral hall at the central axis . with four individual houses in the middle , the village is completely walled in by rows of houses at the two sides and the back 博物館的面積約2 , 000平方米,建筑布局有如棋盤,左右對稱,中軸線上分別建有前廳、中廳及祠堂;兩旁分別為四間獨立的居室,左右及后排的橫屋把整個村莊圍攏起來。

Jiasheng century hotel has more than 260 person ofmulti - purpose assembly halls one , 30 - 60 person of luxurious conferenceroom one , may satisfy your different conference the demand , includingthe projection , the wide band and so on the many kinds of necessaryfacilities all may satisfy your conference the need 嘉盛世紀賓館擁有260多人的多功能會議廳1個, 30 - 60人的豪華會議室1個,可以滿足您不同會議的需求,包括投影、寬帶等多種配套設施都可以滿足您會議的需要。

In addition , there are 6 lecture theatres and a library . sporting and recreational facilities include a multi - purpose assembly hall , 2 basketball courts , a tennis court , a health and fitness centre , a band room , a student common room and a student activity centre 此外,還設有六間演講室和一間圖書館。體育及康樂設施包括多用途禮堂、籃球場、網球場、器械健體中心、樂器室、學生休息室及學生活動中心。

Chinese and west dining room , bar assembly hall business center , parking lot , accepts the credit card , foreign currency exchange service , ticket clerk serve , ddd , idd , wash clothes service , kara ok hall , chess sign room , market , haircut cosmetology room , sauna 酒店擁有全的服務康樂設施:醫務室美發美容洗衣客房送餐殘疾人衛生間或廁位殘疾人客房信用卡服務票務服務棋牌室其它設施或服務。

To have the simultaneous interpretation system equipment the international convention center , each kind of conference room and the large - scale multi - purpose assembly hall , may undertake 30 - 350 person of large - scale banquet , the international domestic conference and display 備有同聲傳譯系統設備的國際會議中心,各種會議室和大型多功能會議廳,可承辦30 - 350人的大型宴會國際國內會議和展覽活動。

The representative cultural vestiges such as the palace of the queen of heaven , the pavilion of yu huang , the wen temple , and guangdong assembly hall explained the history and civilization of nankai , and recorded the culture accumulation of nankai 歷史文化遺跡南開這塊熱土,孕育了豐厚的歷史文化。以天后宮玉皇閣文廟廣東會館為代表的文化遺跡解說著南開的歷史文明,記載了南開的文化積淀。

“ a quick guide for appreciating birds “ cd today at the assembly hall of hong kong society of the blind . thirty visually impaired joined the launching ceremony and tried the cd which records the calls of 20 common wild bird species found in hong kong 世界自然基金會今天假香港盲人輔導會大禮堂舉行出版一張名為聽賞雀鳥指南的光碟發布會,在場的三十多位視障人士亦率先試用光碟。

Commentator : in the trend of bringing western knowledge into china and establishing schools in guangxu 31 of qing dynasty , he had build a small private school in the hunan assembly hall of xiang river shore , and that is the only school 解說:清光緒三十一年,即公元1905年4月12日,在西學東漸、大興學堂的潮流中,他在長沙湘江之濱的湘鄉會館創辦了一所小小的私立學堂? ?惟一學堂。