
assembly n.1.集合。2.集會。3.會眾。4.〔A-〕立法會議,...

assembly district

Gold plating is often the last process a part experiences before assembly or end use . 鍍金往往是一個零件在裝配或最終使用之前所經受的最后一道加工工序。

I had not at that time the honor of knowing any lady in the assembly beyond my own party . 說來遺憾,當時舞場上除了我自己的人以外,一個女客也不認識。

Midzone of the phragmoplast was also a region where assembly of birefringent fibers was being initialed . 成膜體的中段也是雙折射的纖絲裝配起動的區域

Sunday school has just ended, and billy and hazel meet in the assembly room of the parish house . 主日學校剛下課,皮利和海子在教區宅院的聚會室遇見。

Their behavior at the assembly had not been calculated to please in general . 只要想想他們在舞場里的那種舉止,就知道他們并不打算要討一般人的好。

He delivered a blistering attack on the united nations general assembly in new york . 他在紐約向聯合國大會發表講話,對美國進行了極其惡毒的攻擊。

This writing will deal only with the welting of single fiber elements and not fiber assemblies . 這章論述內容只限于單纖維,而不涉及纖維集合體。

In december 1974, the assembly adopted a charter of economic rights and duties of states . 一九七四年十二月大會通過了各國經濟權利義務憲章。

The declaration elaborates on principles first enumerated by the general assembly in 1962 . 宣言詳細闡明了大會于一九六二年首次列舉的原則。

To crown the whole, he meant to be at the next assembly with a large party . 最重要的一點是,他打算請一大群客人來參加下次的舞會。

Inevitably some of the assembly line workers want to come up and hug you . 一些在裝配線上工作的工人免不了要走過來向你表示親熱。

Say, just notice in the paper the way the new york assembly stood up to the reds ? 你看到報上說紐約議會怎么和赤色分子頂牛嗎?

We would all be programming in assembly language or even machine language . 我們都要用匯編語言,甚至要用機器語言去編寫程序。

Any two or more walls which are monolithic will be referred to as wall assembly . 任何兩個或多個成整塊式的墻稱為墻的部件。

Elements in liquid and solid form are usually assemblies of individual atoms . 液體和固體中的元素通常是單獨原子的組合。

Into such an assembly of the free and easy kanouri the traveller entered . 那旅客見到的正是這樣一伙逍遙自在的卡努里人。

In his conclusion, he reminded the assembly of its historic opportunity . 最后,他提醒大會注意,它目前所處的歷史時機。

I wish to congratulate you on your being elected as president of the general assembly . 我謹祝賀你當選本屆大會主席。

They call their state assembly a disgrace for ratifying the 35th . 他們把州議會通過的第35號修正案說成是可恥的行為。