
assemble vt.1.收集,集合 (opp. disperse)。2...

“stand up again, oscar,“ rabbi binder said calmly, “and try to assemble your thoughts. “ “再站起來,奧斯卡,”賓達拉比鎮靜地說:“把你的想法談談。”

“how'd you assemble all this?“ slote said, starting to examine the papers . “你怎么把這些湊齊的?”斯魯特說,開始查點文件。

“i can't assemble any,“ he announced, and plunked himself down . “我理不出任何頭緒來,”說著,他坐下身去。


Figure 91 illustrates a string of detectors and figure 92 the string assembled on a hasp for transportation . 圖91表示檢波器小線,而圖92表明為了運輸方便把小線扣在鐵環上的情形。

Assembled in a large circle, dancers did a basic shuffling step or other jitterbug step like the lindy hop . 舞蹈者圍成大圈,跳基本的小曳步或其他吉特巴舞步,如林蒂跳步等。

By the spring of 1934, however, johnson had assembled his own staff of experts to run the nra . 可是,到1934年春季,約翰遜已集合他自己的專家班子來掌管國家復興管理局。

“stand up again, oscar,“ rabbi binder said calmly, “and try to assemble your thoughts. “ “再站起來,奧斯卡,”賓達拉比鎮靜地說:“把你的想法談談。”

He has assembled a strong core of supporters both in the politburo and in the secretariat . 他已在政治局及書記處內組成了一個支持者的堅強的核心。

The party was to be an early one, and all the guests were assembled long before it was dark . 宴會舉行得早,所以客人都離天黑還有老半天就都來了。

On march 13 the latin american diplomatic corps assembled in the east room of the white house . 3月13日,拉丁美洲國家的外交使團會集在白宮東廳。

In this department, hydroset plates are assembled and joined together at the plate lugs . 在這個工段,組裝脫水固化的極板并通過極板耳連在一起。

Top management assembles a special committee to assess the promotability of all the employees . 總經理責成某個委員會去評價全部職員的潛力。

Anyone having difficulty in assembling the machine may have the advice of our experts . 任何人在裝配機器遇到困難時可以得到我們專家的指導。

Factory is the most common word for the buildings where products are manufactured or assembled . Factory最為普通,指產品生產或裝配的工廠。

Anyone having difficulty in assembling the machine is advised to consult our engineers . 任何人在裝配機器遇到困難時,請咨詢我們的工程師。

An american, william hale, assembled a vastly improved rocket in 1846 . 一個叫威廉黑爾的美國人,在1846年組裝了一枚經過大大改進的火箭。

The entire force would assemble downtown and be conveyed to brookside by chartered bus . 所有人員將在市內集合,乘專車前往布魯克賽德。

In spite of all precautions about secrecy, large crowds were assembled there . 盡管采取了一切保密措施,但那里仍然聚集了廣大的人群。

Figure 7 shows the sequence for tape bonding the chip and assembling the package . 圖7所示為帶狀引線連接芯片和管殼裝配的工藝程序。