
assemblage n.1.集合,會合,集會。2.會眾;集合物。3.(機器的...

“ cheers for edgar poe ! “ roared the assemblage , electrified by their president ' s words “為埃德加坡而歡呼! ”聽眾叫道,他們都被主席的話打動了。


Repairing technical requirement for special equipment of bucket dredgers part 7 : repair and assemblage for cuffing unit 抓斗挖泥船專用設備修理技術要求第7部分:旋轉起吊機構旋變幅置修理裝配

Minimum 10 years experience in port machinery ; container cranes ; heavy industry engineering assemblage experience is preferred , 至少10年在港機設備;集裝箱起重機;重型設備安裝工程經驗。

The main purpose of this system is to be used in the device assemblage and management procedure of an institute 本系統研制的主要目的是用于某研究所的設備輔助裝配和管理過程。

The assemblage and characters of floras and sporo - pollen fossils in the cretaceous red - bed basin of taining county , fujian province 福建泰寧白堊紀紅層植物及孢粉化石組合特征

Accounts are assemblages of numerical data , converted to a common unit ( money , weight , area , or energy ) 會計是換算成共同單位(貨幣、重量、面積或能量)的數值數據的集合。

Three lithofacies assemblages of upper slope , lower slope and submarine fan emerged in the slope 在這個斜坡背景中出現了上斜坡相、下斜坡相與海底扇相等3種類型的巖相組合。

Phytolith assemblages of the neolithic site at jiahu , henan province and its significance in environmental archaeology 河南賈湖遺址植硅石組合及其在環境考古學上的意義

A study of holocene sporopollen assemblage and its environment significance in the zhangde basin , yidun , west sichuan 川西義敦章德壩子全新世孢粉組合和環境研究

Then the paper analyzes assemblage and distribution of beiliang port , and the situation of the ports around it 然后,分析了北良港的集疏運狀況及周邊港口情況。

In automatic switching , an assemblage of fixed contacts used to establish electrical connections 自動交換系統中一些固定結點的組合,用來建立電氣連接。

“ cheers for edgar poe ! “ roared the assemblage , electrified by their president ' s words “為埃德加坡而歡呼! ”聽眾叫道,他們都被主席的話打動了。

Repairing technical requirement for dredge pump of dredrers part 8 : assemblage for driver mechanism 挖泥船泥泵修理技術要求第8部分:傳動裝置裝配

Five pollen assemblage zones are established through the stratigraphical changes of the pollen 根據孢粉組合的變化,將剖面劃分為5個孢粉組合帶。

Are rank - abundance distributions a useful tool of assemblage discrimination in tropical moths 秩? ?豐盛度分布是熱帶蛾類集合判別的有用工具嗎

Assemblages first demonstrate that not only the upper jurassic strata but also the highest 首次記述了該區最高層位的雛蛤組合,同時,新發現的

The research and application of lining diameter contraction in assemblage of the heydraulic press 水壓機襯套裝配縮徑問題的研究與應用

A multivariate analysis of netphytoplankton assemblages in the chukchi sea and bering sea 楚科奇海和白令海網采浮游植物群聚的多元分析

An assemblage of specimens compiled and maintained for purposes of study and / or display 為了研究和或展示而搜集和保存的一組標本。