
assay n.1.化驗;分析;鑒定,測定,驗定。2.被分析物,被化...

assay bar

Crude gold - determination of gold content - fire assay gravimetric method 火試金重量法測定金量

For the quantitative assay of hiv viral load in hiv patients 檢定愛滋病病人愛滋病毒數量之用

Spf chicken - indirect immunofluorescent assay Spf雞間接免疫熒光試驗

Foodstuffs - determination of folate by microbiological assay 食品.用微生物分析法測定葉酸

Spf chicken - enzyme - linked immunosorbent assay Spf雞酶聯免疫吸附試驗

3 the mtt assay . 2 . 4 protion determination 3mrt法測定細胞活力2

Standard practice for the in vivo rat hepatocyte dna repair assay 鼠體內肝細胞dna修復化驗

Assaying of falvone in different parts of american ginseng 西洋參不同部位中黃酮的含量測定

Standard guide for development of micronucleus assay standards 微核檢測標準制定用標準指南

Quantitative rt - pcr assay involves lightcycler ? technology 切應力作用時間分別為1h和2h 。

Mtt colorimetric assay of corneal epithelial cell activity 比色法檢測兔角膜上皮細胞活性

Assays out at about an ounce and a half a ton 經分析大概有半噸一盎司

Gold - determination of gold content - fire assaying method 金化學分析方法火試金法測定金量

The assay and clinical application of urinary crosslaps 的檢測和臨床應用

Do not cross you or go to a hospital assay 不過你還是去醫院化驗一下吧。

Assay of the biological characteristics of transgenic sgc 轉基因克隆株的生物學特性鑒定

Test method for assay of normal - propyl bromide content 普通丙基溴化物含量評估試驗方法

Last is the fifth part that concludes this assay 第五部分是結束語部分。

Application and analysis on method of lycopene assay 番茄紅素簡便測定方法的應用與分析