
assault n.1.(動手或動口的)攻擊。2.【軍事】猛襲,襲擊,突...

assault boat

What i need from you is an assault unit to back me up 我要你派一支突擊隊支援我

They forgot that they had assaulted as far too bellicose the same foreign policy that five years later they denounced as strategic retreat . 他們忘記了他們曾經猛烈抨擊外交政策太好戰,而在五年之后,他們又把同樣的外交政策斥之為戰略撤退。

My mother, being more imaginative, retaliated with an assault upon my sensibilities that crushed me with the moral horror involved in taking a life . 媽媽比較有心計,她報復我是從情感上給我當頭一棒,利用殺生造成的恐怖心理把我摧垮。

The new government, whatever its faults, would not assault our interests in every international forum as its predecessor had done . 不管新政府有什么缺點,它絕不會象上屆政府那樣在一切國際講壇上反對我們的利益。

She made a tremendous assault upon harry foker, who sat next to her; and to whom she gave all the talk, though i took her down . 哈利福克坐在她旁邊,她拼命挑逗他,跟他嘰嘰咕咕說個不停,可是我使她有些掃興。

The mythology that the united states relentlessly assaulted allende after he was installed is the opposite to the truth . 有人說阿連德上臺后,美國對他進行了無情的打擊,這種編造的神話與事實大相徑庭。

Before the train had come to a standstill under the arched roof of the bonneville depot, it was all but taken by assault . 列車還沒有在波恩維爾車站那拱形屋頂下停下來,人們就簡直一窩峰似的撲上車去。

Meanwhile, the german plans for a direct assault on norway and a lightning occupation of denmark also were advancing . 與此同時,德國企圖直接進攻挪威并且以閃電戰方式占領丹麥的計劃也正在進行之中。

Their argument that those people were simply feinting in the east to assault the west was a good bargaining pose . 他們宣稱那些人不過是“聲東擊西”。拿這個論點與人的討價還價是很不高明的。

I must deliver this message now quickly and well and then make all haste to return in time for the assault on the posts . 我現在得好好地趕快把信送到,然后十萬火急地回去趕上襲擊哨所。

He stood in front of me, shaking his fists, so thomale pulled me backward lest i be the victim of a physical assault . 他站在我面前晃著拳頭,因此托馬爾把我向后拉了一把,免得我挨揍。

Then the assault against the atlantic wall was not only practicable but would lead to the definite defeat of germany . 如此去進攻大西洋長城,不僅實施容易,且能造成德軍之決定性失敗。

Close to the back step of one cabin, she found a short row of radishes and hunger assaulted her suddenly . 在一間下屋的后臺階旁邊,她找到了一排白蘿卜,便覺得一陣饑餓突然襲擊她。

Nothing would have been easier than to spring forward, and decide the affair by a close assault on his unprepared . 只消沖出去,趁其不備,就可輕而易舉地結果對方的性命。

A blanket assault on our institutions and motives can paralyze the nation's capacity to govern itself . 不分青紅皂白攻擊我們的制度和動機只能使國家喪失管理自己的能力。

Then what minority and property right would be safe from the assaults of an irrational majority ? 那么,還有哪些少數人的權利及財產權能免于蠻不講理的多數人的侵犯呢?

The direction and weight of their assault was still unknown when i arrived at the war department . 但其進攻方向和壓力所在,當我到達陸軍部前,仍舊一無所知。

He had attempted earlier that day to procure an assault craft which had bunks built in along the walls . 那天他本來想去物色一艘兩壁沒有固定鋪位的登陸艇。

The german assaulted on russia also momentarily disrupted the desultory japaneseamerican talks . 德國突襲俄國,也暫時打斷當時斷斷續續進行的日、美談判。