
assassination n.暗殺。

“ another method of assassination ? 又想進行暗殺嗎?

Faust , “ i wish to have a look at the guild ' s assassination records . 我想過目一下組織的暗殺紀錄。


“ another method of assassination ? 又想進行暗殺嗎?

Assassination , never , as two wrongs did not make one right 暗殺是絕對不可行的,因為以惡報惡是得不出善的。

The country was plunged into chaos following the president ' s assassination 總統被刺后國家陷入混亂之中。

Assassination of halili and the geopolitics - ecology in the middle east 哈里里遇刺與中東地緣政治生態變化

Government overthrows , flashy high - profile assassinations . the usual 推翻政府暗殺高層知名人士,就這些

The news of the assassination of president lincoln spread like wildfire 林肯總統被刺的消息不腈而走。

Faust , “ i wish to have a look at the guild ' s assassination records . 我想過目一下組織的暗殺紀錄。

Snake : president kennedy ' s assassination 肯尼迪總統遇刺。

The danger of assassination is too great 暗殺的危險太大了

The mastrmind behined numerous bombings and political assassinations 他策劃過多次爆炸事件與政治謀殺

The new of assassination of president lincoln spread like wildfire 林肯總統被刺殺的消息無徑而走。

And president kennedy ' s assassination .獨立調查都是立刻展開的

On assassination and its prevention with the united states ' experience 以美國經驗談暗殺及其預防

After her assassination , a handwritten will was produced 布托被刺殺后,一份手寫的遺愿被公布。

The assassination was allowed to happen 這次刺殺是被批準發生的。

Assassination games - 4455 miniclip games 刺殺行動小游戲- 4399小游戲

Walt cummings ordered the assassination of david palmer 沃爾特?柯敏斯下令暗殺了戴維?帕默爾