
assassinate vt.1.暗殺,行刺。2.中傷,破壞(名譽等)。短語和例...

“ the same who was so shamefully assassinated in 1815 ? “就是在一八一五年被人無恥暗害的那個? ”

“ no , on the contrary , they wished to assassinate him “不,正巧相反,他是他們想暗殺的目標。

“ has he assassinated any one , then ? “那么,難道是他暗殺了誰嗎? ”


President park jung - hee . assassinated 樸正熙總統.遇刺?

The important murderer assassinating li gongpu and wen yiduo had been arrested 聞一多的重要兇手落網記

Lincoln was the first president assassinated in u . s . history 林肯是美國歷史上第一個遭到刺殺的總統。

But , what does ' assassinated ' mean 但是遇刺是什么意思呢?

He assassinated two men - one a highly experienced fiield off . icer 他暗殺了兩個人一個是一名資深軍官

She tried to assassinate lord rathbone 她試圖行刺拉什邦大人

It is horrible , indeed , but no one assassinates . 這些事情的發生的確可怕,但并不是有人在殺人。 ”

I believe that ' s why he was assassinated 這就是他被暗殺的原因

“ the same who was so shamefully assassinated in 1815 ? “就是在一八一五年被人無恥暗害的那個? ”

Is to try and figure out why and how he was assassinated 就是試圖找出他為什么和怎么會被暗殺的

I saw master windu attempt to assassinate the chancellor myself 我親眼看到云度大師試圖刺殺議長

Was eventually assassinated by his men 最后也是被他的人民暗殺了

Not to assassinate you , to bring you home , 不是干掉你,是帶你回去

I saw master windu attempt to assassinate the chancellor myself 我親眼看到溫都大師想刺殺議長

“ no , on the contrary , they wished to assassinate him “不,正巧相反,他是他們想暗殺的目標。

The council members have been assassinated 委員會成員已經被暗殺了