
assassin n.刺客,兇手。 the Assassins 【歷史】十...

“ then i saw that they took me for the assassin “直到這時我才明白他們原來把我當作殺人犯了。

“ and who is the assassin ; “ they asked together “那個殺人犯是誰呢? ”他們同聲問。

“ but who , then , is this assassin , this murderer ? “那么下毒藥的兇手是誰呢? ”


The assassin killed the famous person for political reasons 刺客因某種政治原因殺了那個知名人士。

Bauer : this man is a professional assassin 那個人是個職業殺手

Turns out the assassin was one ofiour own - - jason bourne 結果他卻被我們自己的殺手詹森?伯恩殺死了

Jack : this man is a professional assassin 這個人是一個職業殺手

Its king is the target of assassins from all over china 當中殘劍飛雪長空更是秦王的心腹大患。

Mage assassins have a new set of armor unique to this class combo 法刺有了一套新的專用鎧甲了。

Payments to the assassin who tried to kill me 雇殺手殺我的費用

Turns out the assassin was one ofiour own - jason bourne 結果他卻被我們自己的殺手詹森伯恩殺死了

A hostage of would - be assassins 也不會成為那些冒充的殺手的人質

I ' ve come across new evidence to suggest another assassin , 我偶然間發現了新的證據是另一個刺客

So , are you a pair of ninja assassins 那么,你們是一對忍者殺手

You ' ve got a date tonight with a beautiful russian assassin . . 今晚你和一位漂亮的俄國殺手約會

We need to kill the gaijin assassin first 我們要先殺了那個女刺客

Sanderson reed , the assassins in kenya , 桑德森?李德,肯亞的暗殺,

You ' re not the most convincing of assassins , so let me guess 說你是個刺客太不合理了讓我猜猜

And ifshe s an assassin , she ll kill thewrong man . brilliant 如果她是刺客就會殺錯人,好主意