
assam n.阿薩姆〔印度邦名〕。


The children were taken to hospital in the northeast state of assam after last sunday ' s anti - blindness campaign in which medical workers administered vitamin a supplied by unicef to 321 , 000 children 上星期天,在一次預防眼盲的活動中,醫護人員曾經向32萬多名兒童派發了由聯合國兒童基金組織提供的維他命a片。事發后,發病的兒童已被送往印度東北部阿薩姆邦的醫院。

The united states sent 4600 railway personnel to india in 1943 , to bring order to the british colonial railroad system between calcutta and assam 美國于1943年向印度派遣了4600名鐵路人員,以改善加爾各答與阿薩姆之間英國的殖民鐵路系統的管理秩序。

A group of migrant workers were gunned down as they slept by suspected separatist rebels in india ' s northeast assam state 當他們在印度的阿薩姆州東北部由可疑分離主義者叛徒睡了的時候,一群移居的工人被擊斃。

In the heart of assam , this park is one of the last areas in eastern india undisturbed by a human presence 卡齊蘭加國家公園位于印度阿薩姆邦中心地帶,是印度東部最后一批沒有人類活動騷擾的地區之一。

The construction of the ledo road - - from ledo , assam , india - - into burma began on december 16 , 1942 利多公路工程?從印度阿薩姆邦的利多進入緬甸?于1942年12月16日動工。

From immigrants to ethnic minorities - the development process of nepalese immigrants in indian state of assam 印度阿薩姆邦的尼泊爾移民發展歷程