
assailant n.攻擊者,加害者。adj.攻擊的。

“ the assailant is assumed to be armed and dangerous “預計襲擊者有武器,很有威脅性”


A botched kidnapping ended with one of the assailants shooting himself in the groin , wichita police said 威奇塔警方說,一場拙劣的綁架犯罪活動最后以一名匪徒射傷自己腹股溝收場。

Does the victim have a relationship with the assailant ( s ) , if so what is the nature of the relationship 受害人與侵害人之間是否有某種關系?如果有,這種關系屬何種性質?

Four assailants are wanted by police in connection with this case . their physical descriptions are as follows 警方現正通緝四名與本案有關的兇徒,他們的外貌詳情如下:

The officer revealed his identity and tried to stop the men but he was attacked by the assailants 警員馬上表露身份并制止兇徒,但他反而被該批兇徒用刀襲擊。

When danger threatens the forest , athel loren itself awakes to confront the assailant 當危險威脅到森林王國,艾瑟洛倫大地就會蘇醒來去反抗入侵者。

Tell me about this assailant . when they searched the room , there was no sign ofhim 那個攻擊者長什么樣?他們搜房子時發現他不見了

Repel an attack the assailants 擊退進攻進攻者

Unarmed assailant - frontal attack 正面徒手攻擊

Unarmed assailant - - frontal attack 正面徒手攻擊

He struggled with his assailants and eventually drove them off 他同攻擊他的人進行搏斗,最后把他們趕走了。

He lamed out at his assailant 他向行兇者狠狠地打擊。

The assailant then fled along stanley street towards d aguilar street 兇徒其后沿士丹利街向德己立街逃走。

The assailant . he ran in here 攻擊者,他從這里逃跑了

Listen , it ' s not likely that your assailant ' s the murderer , babe 聽著,襲擊你的人不象是想謀殺你,寶貝兒

Smart officer helps arrest assailant 機警職員助擒非禮客

On the kidnapping video , the assailants - - - what is wrong with you 在綁架錄像帶上,綁匪… … -你怎么了?

- i ' ve managed to subdue the assailant 我已經抓住了這家伙

The assailant then fled on foot along eastbound queen s road east 兇徒其后徒步沿皇后大道東東行逃走。