
assail vt.1.攻擊,襲擊。2.(用言論)指責。3.毅然應付(...


Her innocence had kept her in ignorance of the dangers that might assail a young girl of her age 她還很天真,不知道象她這種年的年輕姑娘可能遇到的種種危險。

I had no sooner got off the ship than i was assailed by a man who wanted to sell me a diamond ring 我剛剛下了船,一個想賣給我鉆石戒指的人便向我發動了進攻。

As soon as the young man returned home , his parents assailed him with questions about the interview 這個年青人一回到家,他父母就質問他有關接見的許多問題。

Judging by the thoughts which assailed me , it must have been a long night for armand 連我的腦子里都是亂糟糟的,可想而知這一夜對阿爾芒來說是多么漫長啊!

This spell opens a portal to the lower planes and calls forth a balor to assail your foes 這個法術將為召喚巴洛魔而打開一個連接下等位面的的大門。

His patrols halted the raiding parties : hunger assailed the danish army 他派出巡邏隊阻止敵人搶劫,因而饑餓威脅著丹麥軍隊。

For the waves of death encompassed me ; the torrents of destruction assailed me 5曾有死亡的波浪環繞我;毀滅的急流使我驚懼。

In the atheistic and secular modern world our faith is constantly assailed 在這無神與俗化的現代社會里、信德時常受到沖擊。

He was assailed as an oppressor of the people , who ground the faces of the poor 他被人抨擊為人民的壓迫者,騎在窮人的頭上。

You ought to assail all the difficulty that may come your way with great courage 你應當勇敢地面對所有可能迎面而來的困難。

In the atheistic and secular modern world our faith is constantly assailed 在這無神與俗化的現代社會里信德時常受到沖擊。

He smiled bitterly at the incongruity of it , and was assailed by doubts 他為這兩者的不協調而苦笑,心里滿是懷疑。

Ling : ( laughs ) good job , shin ! you knew he would try to assail me , right 靈: (笑)童心作得好!你知道他會來打我是嗎

The light assailed her eye 強光襲擊她的眼睛。

The army assailed the fortress 軍隊襲擊那個要塞。

My heart is in anguish within me ; the terrors of death assail me 4我心在我里面甚是疼痛死的驚惶臨到我身。

There , again , monte cristo was assailed by a multitude of thoughts 到了那兒,另一些紀念又沖到伯爵腦子里。

The enemy assailed our position 敵人襲擊我們的陣地。

They assailed him with slander 他們以不實言論抨擊他。