
ass n.驢子。


Calm your ass down , man . he gonna be there all night 冷靜,伙計他將整晚都在那

Don ' t blow smoke up my ass . get your head out my ass 別給我潑涼水少管我的閑事

Before business jumps up and bites you right in the ass 在這莊生意沒有反撲之前

An arms dealer and a smart - ass . - arms dealer 一個軍火商還是個老狐貍.軍火商

Maybe you can come over and sit on your ass at my place 也許你可以過來我這邊坐

Shit , i ' ve got a frosted ass crack . hey , finch , 屁,我屁股都凍裂了。嘿,芬奇。

Best - ass - i ' ve - ever - seen - in - my - life girlfriend 讓我不用去想有著最完美臀部的女友

I have one thing to say to you . kiss my fat ass 我有一句話對你們說:都見鬼去吧

Don ' t be an ass . transfer from lima to concordia 別笨了,從利瑪搬到肯考迪婭去

That ' s probably why your wife left your sorry ass 你妻子可能因為這樣才離開你的

Jesus ! can you tell just by looking at her ass 老天。你只看她的屁股就能知道?

Thank you , mr . wizard . what crawled up your ass 謝謝你,魔法先生你怎么回事啊

See , hugo posh isn ' t just tits . he isn ' t just ass 雨果不只是乳房.他不只是臀部

You get your bony ass down here first thing in the morning 明天一早你這瘦皮猴

It ' s a she . . . bulls - eye , right up her ass 這是只母的,牛眼剛好打中了她的屁股

Jennifer told me how to do it . it ' s gonna kick ass 珍妮弗教我的會讓你感覺超爽

Who didn ' t think she knew everything about your iazy ass 不把你看扁的是什么時候

And i ' m here to kick some ass ! are you with me 我是來這里收拾它們的做好準備!

Damn , you ' re right . - bet your pink ass l ' m right 該死,你是對的.我肯定是對的