
aspirin n.阿司匹林〔退熱藥〕。


An aspirin will help you feel better 一片阿司匹林會讓你感覺好一些。

Need an aspirin ? i got a million of them 要阿司匹林嗎?我這里多的是

You don ' t got any aspirin , do you ? - uh - uh 你有沒有阿司匹林? -沒有

Some women take aspirin to ward off breast cancer 一些婦女吃阿司匹林以防(避開)乳腺癌。

They ' d rather chew aspirin for the rest of their lives . . 他們寧愿下半生都吃阿司匹林. .

I bought some aspirin at the drugstore on the corner 我在拐角的藥店里買了一些阿斯匹林。

B : i ' ll take that . and i need to get some aspirin , too 我要那個吧。我還要一些阿斯匹林。

John : here ' s your aspirin and your water 約翰:給,你的斯阿匹林和水。

Just sit tight . i ' ll get you some aspirin 好好坐著.我給你拿阿司匹林來

Aspirin has efficacy in relieving headaches 阿司匹林有解除頭痛的效能。

Okay . give him an aspirin , and let ' s run a blood gas 好.給他一片阿司匹林,咱們來輸血

Go wash yourself up , mendoza . - brace up , aspirin -去洗一把, mendoza -振作起來,上進青年

Susan : ok . can you get two aspirin for me 蘇珊:好的,你能給我拿兩片嗎?

She took an aspirin to relieve her headache 她吃了一片阿斯匹林以解頭痛。

I ' ll take that . and i need to get some aspirin , too 我要那個吧。我還要一些阿斯匹林。

You need to . you should take some aspirins 你需要退燒.你應該吃些阿斯匹林

They ' d rather chew aspirin for the rest of their lives 他們寧愿下半生都吃阿司匹林

A 、 you should take an aspirin and get some sleep 你應該吃一片阿司匹林,然后睡一覺。

I ' ll take an aspirin and see how it goes 我先吃一片阿斯匹林,看看情況再說