
aspire vi.1.熱望,渴望;有志于,立志要。 〔與介詞 aft...


If you do not aspire to excellence , you will never achieve it 如果你不渴望杰出,你就永遠達不到。

Mrs . blifil was indeed the object to which they both aspired 譯文:布利非太太正是他倆向往的目標

One of my roommates , francis , is an aspiring actor 我的室友當中,法蘭西斯是非常有上進心的演員。

Jenny aspired to be a stardom when she was a little girl 珍妮還是小女孩的時候就立志要做明星。

Should everyone aspire to be a social entrepreneur 那么是否每個人都應該立志成為社會企業家呢?

Services for students aspiring for study abroad 服務專業留學服務

In his childhood , he aspire to become a great general 在童年時代,他渴望成為一位偉大的將軍。

And people who aspire to be like us 以及那些立志想成為我們一樣的人

Don ' t aspire to be like me . be better . shoot higher 不要渴望成為我,要超越我。目標要遠大。

Immolate domesticity for aspire after career galvanization 為追求事業發展而犧牲家庭生活。

The young girl aspired to be a scientist 小女孩立志要做一名科學家。

It ' s the profession that every elf aspires to , 每個精靈都渴望加入這行

I can only aspire to be as clever as her 我真希望自己能夠象她一樣精明

L aspire , sir , to be better than l am 先生,我一直希望能比現在更加完美

Aspiring musicians must practise many hours a day 有抱負的音樂家每天一定練習很長時間

He aspired to leadership even in his childhood 童年時代他就渴望當領袖。

These college graduates aspire to careers in finance 這些大學生渴望從事金融方面的職業

And what have you done to aspire to this honor 你憑什么要求得到這個殊榮?

I aspired to have a relationship just like theirs 我就能體會到他們愛的火花