
aspirator n.1.吸氣器(= respirator)。2.【醫學】...


Main products of this company are : single - use vein needle , anaesthetic puncture bag , infusion pump , puncture bag for thorax , canula for trachea , trachea cut cannula , sputum aspirator pipe , suction connection pipe , urethral catheterization bag , general anesthesia bag , dressing change bag , oxygen therapy pipe , etc 公司主要產品有:一次性使用靜脈留置針,麻醉穿刺包,輸注泵,胸腔穿刺包,氣管導管,氣管切開插管,吸痰管,吸引管、連接管,導尿包,全麻包,換藥盒,輸氧管等

Sakers and aspirators separate the hull from the cracked cotyledons and rollers flake them < uk >皮殼與破碎的豆瓣,通過振動篩和吸殼器彼此分離,豆瓣由滾輪壓成片。 < / uk >

Sakers and aspirators separate the hull from the cracked cotyledons and rollers flake them 皮殼與破碎的豆瓣,通過振動篩和吸殼器彼此分離,豆瓣由滾輪壓成?片。

Laboratory glassware - bottles - part 3 : aspirator bottles iso 4796 - 3 : 2000 ; german version en iso 4796 - 3 : 2000 實驗室玻璃器皿.瓶.第3部分:吸氣瓶

Aspirator foam nozzle 空氣泡沫槍

Aas aspirator air system 吸氣真空控制系統

Ultrasonic surgical aspirator 超聲手術吸引器

Air aspirator foam maker 吸入空氣式泡沫發生器

Application of sputum aspirators to hyperbaric oxygen chamber 我國高壓氧艙內吸痰裝置應用的現狀

Laboratory glassware - bottles - part 3 : aspirator bottles 實驗室玻璃器皿.瓶.第3部分:吸氣瓶

Automatic wash of negative pressure aspirator 自控負壓吸引器的研制

Wipe it out with a finger or use an aspirator 用手挖出或使用抽液器抽吸。

Laboratory glassware - bottles - aspirator bottles 實驗室玻璃器皿.瓶.吸氣瓶

Sakers and aspirators separate the hull from the cracked cotyledons and rollers flake them . 皮殼與破碎的豆瓣,通過振動篩和吸殼器彼此分離,豆瓣由滾輪壓成片。

The wastewater samples is transmitted by an air-operated aspirator to the liquid injection valve . 用氣動吸引器將廢水試樣送入液體注射閥。