
aspiration n.1.熱望,切望,渴望;志愿,愿望,抱負 (for; ...


How can one contribute to the country without lofty aspirations 丈夫無大志,何以佐乾坤

He has serious aspirations to a career in politics 他有從政的雄心壯志。

But how we achieve those aspirations is complex 但是我們如何能實現那些目標還是未知數

And why had i these aspirations and these regrets 為什么我有這些心愿卻又有這些遺憾?

Life ' s aspirations come in the guise of children 生命的希望到來時,總喬裝做小孩子。

Government shares community s aspiration for the harbour 政府與市民對海港有共同期望

Princess aspirations games - 4455 miniclip games 公主的愿望小游戲- 4399小游戲

The progress in the study of levels of aspiration 國外關于再認失敗研究的綜述

Nacreous aspiration ended up as a unstoppable flaw 彩虹班的愿望成了呼嘯的狂風。

She has aspirations to become a great writer 她胸懷大志,要成為一位偉大作家。

Cases of newborn infant meconium aspiration syndrome 新生兒胎糞吸入綜合征30例30

As mentioned previously, the most volatile situations occur when the growth of aspirations is more rapid than the growth of a society's capability of satisfying them . 如前所述,當愿望的增長快于社會滿足愿望的能力的增長時,爆炸性的局勢就發生了。

Some leaders, driven by the impossibility of suppressing human aspiration forever, may well emerge eventually to explore the requirements of genuine coexistence . 鑒于不可能永遠壓制人類的要求,某些領導人很有可能出面探求真正和平共處的條件。

Bert's regard for owen was equalled in intensity by his dislike of crass, who was in the habit of jeering at the boy's aspirations . 伯特對歐文的尊敬之深和他對克拉斯的厭惡之甚在程度上可以說不相上下。克拉斯常常譏笑這孩子的野心。

Your honor, injustice blots out one form of life, but another grows up in its place with its own rights, needs, and aspirations . 法官閣下,不公正待遇抹掉了一種生活方式,但另一種生活方式代之而起,帶著它自己的權利,需要和欲望。

Taiwan will return to the embrace of the motherland ; the whole country must be united. this is the general trend of development and the common aspiration of the people . 臺灣要回到祖國的懷抱,全國一定要統一。

This heroic utterance by comrade wang jinxi voices the lofty aspirations of the workers and caders of daqing and their families . 王進喜同志的這句豪言壯語,表達了大慶工人、干部和家屬的雄心壯志。

The changing social conditions were ever producing new differentiations of views and aspirations within the church . 不斷變通的社會情況使教會內的各種見解和希望不斷地產生新的分化現象。

When levels of income are very low, the most elementary aspirations for human existence and improvement are frustrated . 當收入的水平很低時,人類生存和進步的最基本愿望,便受到挫敗。