
aspirate vt.1.【語音】把…發成送氣音。2.【醫學】用吸管吸出...


In recent years it has become possible to diagnose certain genetic abnormalities by investigation of fatal cells obtained in aspirated amniotic fluid and this has sometimes provided the opportunity to terminate pregnancy before the fetus is viable 近年來已能通過檢查吸取羊水中的胎兒細胞診斷一些遺傳異常,并因此有時在胎兒成熟前終止妊娠。

Speech treatment included audio discrimination , behaviour training , lip phone training , aspirates and fricatives training , tongue lolling out , comprehensive training , et al 語音治療采取辨聽訓練、行為治療、唇音訓練、送氣音和摩擦音訓練、舌外伸訓練和綜合訓練等方法,由淺入深,由筒單到復雜。

The presence of isolated single cells is very suggestive of infiltrative carcinoma , but i have seen aspirates from pure dcis that contain these isolated cells 此例中細胞單一、分散更支持是侵潤性的癌,但是我曾經在一例乳腺導管原位癌的穿刺涂片中也看到這樣孤立單一的細胞。

Cholangiocarcinomas do not make bile , but the cells do make mucin , and they can be almost impossible to distinguish from metastatic adenocarcinoma on biopsy or fine needle aspirate 膽管癌不產生膽汁,但這些細胞生成粘蛋白,并很難與活檢或針吸標本的轉移性腺癌相區分。

D . gelatin capsules : aspirate with a syringe , or capsule may be dissolved in warm water over several minutes . after capsule dissolves , remove its gelatin outer layer 凝膠膠囊:用注射器抽吸,或用溫水溶解膠囊。待膠囊溶解后,除去凝膠外層。

In this study , the meiotic progression and its control by hypoxanthine were studied in the goat oocytes aspirated from slaughtered ovaries 本實驗以隨機屠宰山羊卵巢為材料研究了山羊卵母細胞減數分裂的進程以及hx在這一過程中的調控作用。

Bronchiectasis tends to be localized with disease processes such as neoplasms and aspirated foreign bodies that block a portion of the airways 在出現如腫瘤、吸入性異物等病變過程時,堵塞部分氣道,支氣管擴張就容易在局部發生。

The transcription th ( for the fricative p ) caused grimm to think not only that th was a double sound but also it was an aspirated occlusive 擦音p的寫法th曾使格里木相信,這不僅是一個復合音,而且是一個送氣塞音。

The proper articulation of unstressed syllables includes many skills : linking sounds , deleting sounds , whether to aspirate a sound or not , etc 連音、消音、去音是否送氣等等都是如何將輕音節正確串聯起來的方法。

These agents will improve your visualization of the vocal cords and prevent the patient from vomiting and aspirating gastric contents 這些藥物能改善聲帶的可視度,防止患者嘔吐及吸入胃內容物,使插管更加便利。

Aspirate stomach contents for residual volume , determine volume with graduated container if necessary , and reinstill to client 抽吸胃內容物檢查剩余氣量。必要時可用刻度容器確定其容積。注入胃內容物。

The bronchoscopy revealed polypoid tissues surrounding an aspirated fish bone in the orifice of the right lower lobe bronchus 支氣管鏡顯示右下支氣管開口有多發性,息肉狀組織圍繞著一塊吸入的魚骨頭。

Each module has a microcomputer with both turbocharged and naturally aspirated calibrations resident in its internal rom 每一模件都有一個在其內部rom中間同時保存有渦輪增壓和自然吸氣計算的微計算機。

We may have to stick a tube in his stomach to wash them out or they may be aspirated into the lungs during anesthesia 我們可能要放一條胃管把食物洗出來。不然,在麻醉的時候它們可能被吸進肺里。

The aspirated air shall be flammable fumes or vapors . e . g . paint solvents , that can lead to internal fire or explosion 譯;這些易燃氣體或水蒸氣等油漆溶劑將被吸入,能導致內火或爆炸。

Gas welding equipment - air - aspirated hand blowpipes - specifications and tests ; german version en 731 : 1995 氣焊機.吸氣式手提噴焊器.規范和試驗;德文版本en 7

Aspirate treatment of fluticasone propionate and ablbuterol for children asthma : clinical observation of 36 cases 沙丁胺醇吸入治療兒童哮喘36例臨床療效觀察

Application of ultrasonic emulsification and aspirating in treatment of tethered cord syndrome with lipoma 術中應用超聲乳化治療脂肪瘤型脊髓拴系綜合征

Standard practice for octane rating naturally aspirated spark ignition aircraft engines 測定自然吸氣火花點火式飛機發動機燃料辛烷值的標準實施規范