
aspirant adj.有志愿的,抱負不凡的,努力向上的。n.1.有志者...

In “ 3 will fill appearance treatment goes in “ , add aspirant makings is machined and give makings treatment , it is the main content of improvement trade 在“三來一補“中去掉來樣加工,加上進料加工和出料加工,就是加工貿易的主要內容


In the second case , the aspirant becomes a complete slave of the teacher and starts giving away all material possessions to the teacher without understanding the logic behind it 他甚至會酗酒或吸食藥物。另一類導師能令門徒像奴隸般不由分說地把財富完全奉獻。

For a man , the world is full of diverse objects . for an aspirant , the world is the manifestation of the lord . but for a saint , the world is god himself 對一位凡夫而言,世界充滿了紛紜的對象;對一位慕道者而言,世界是神的化身;對一位圣人來說,世界就是神。

As some eu members shy away from yet further enlargement of their club , they risk provoking an anti - western backlash in one aspirant country , turkey 當一些歐盟成員國不愿進繼續擴大其俱樂部時,他們所冒的風險是激怒雄心勃勃的土耳其發動反西方的猛烈回擊。

Many spiritual aspirants chose to be born at a particular time with birth charts of extreme difficulty to teach one about the vital lessons of compassion in action 很多靈性提升者選擇出生在星圖極端困難的特別時刻,在行動中教會自己有關同情的關鍵課程。

They are active , aspirant and curious about the new things . the strong desire for knowledge promotes them to learn more about and meet the challenges of the world 他們積極向上,對新鮮事物充滿了好奇,強烈的求知欲促使他們去更多地了解世界以應對挑戰。

The exhibition of master s publications at the fair not only satisfied the yearning of many truth aspirants , but also brought spiritual elevation to all our visitors 此次參展不僅滿足了許多求道人士對真理的渴望,也讓參觀的民眾得到全方位的靈性升華。

At the suggestion of many spiritual aspirants in puerto rico who were enthusiastic about master s teachings , a video conference was planned 于波多黎各有許多靈修人士非常喜歡師父教理,并建議安排錄影帶觀賞與座談會,于是此座談會的準備工作就開始了。

This gave rise to pantheism and the aspirant s attention got stuck to symbols sakar and to rituals which killed the main objective 由此引生了多神信仰,但那些信徒卻把注意力放在象徵性的符號sakar身上,成立各種儀式,到最后反而把原先的目的遺忘了。

The supreme master ching hai gives initiation to truth - aspirants of any ethnic group or religious background , without demanding that they give up their original faith 清海無上師接受不同種族宗教的信徒前來印心,卻不要求這些人改變原有宗教的信仰。

This method either makes the aspirant go into a trance or accept the complete domination of the dead spirits introduced by the teacher through the plexuses 受術者會在短期內感到松弛,因為亡靈的意識取代了那人的自覺意識。那個人的意識好像關閉了。

I can only tell you that if we , the spiritual aspirants , try our best to raise our consciousness to a higher level of understanding , then the world will be a better place 我只能說:如果我們修行人盡力提升意識到更高的了悟層次,世界就會變得更好。

Fellow practitioners decorated their booth beautifully and elegantly so that it radiated youthful vigor and god s love , and attracted many truth - aspirants 同修們將攤位布置得典雅亮麗,洋溢著青春活力及上帝愛力,吸引了許多渴望真理的人士駐足觀賞。

The supreme master gives initiation to truth - aspirants of any ethnic group or religious background , without demanding that they give up their original faith 宗教本來都是從觀音法門而來福爾摩沙921地震賑災我活著為了要提醒大家自己偉大的地方

At the end of january , a quan yin messenger arrived in peru to give initiation to sincere truth - aspirants and hold a series of seven video seminars 觀音使者于1月底來到秘魯,除了為誠心等待印心的準同修印心之外,也舉辦了七場錄影帶弘法講座。

Envy can make oneself backward , self - confidence can make him aspirant . confidence is added become , become successfully more , we should learn self - confidence 妒忌能使自己落后,自信能使自己上進。信心增一成,成功多十成,我們應該學會自信。

Besides , he could not bind all that he had in his nature - the rover , the aspirant , the poet , the priest - in the limits of a single passion 此外,他無法把他的一切集于自己的個性之中,流浪漢追求者詩人和牧師集中于一種情感的局限之內。

Sunlight and everyone in sunlight favors social progress , special support poorly off young people who are opposing destiny and who are aspirant 想讓企業處于不敗之地,應從小問題抓起,提倡節約,力爭人人節儉,把節儉當成一種企業文化。

In “ 3 will fill appearance treatment goes in “ , add aspirant makings is machined and give makings treatment , it is the main content of improvement trade 在“三來一補“中去掉來樣加工,加上進料加工和出料加工,就是加工貿易的主要內容