
asphyxiate vt.使窒息。 an asphyxiating gas ...


Results all patients have not obvious complications , such as nasal mucous membrane injury edema of the palate and have not some symptoms too , such as choking , asphyxiating and wrong inhaling and so on 結果23例嚴重鼻出血患者均無明顯鼻粘膜損傷及軟腭水腫等并發癥發生,也無嗆咳、誤吸、窒息等現象發生。

Protocol for the prohibition of the use in war of asphyxiating , poisonous or other gases , and of bacteriological methods of warfare , geneva , 17 . 6 . 1925 1925年6月17日訂于日內瓦的《禁止在戰爭中使用窒息性、毒性或其他氣體和細菌作戰方法的議定書》

Characterization of severe acute occupational poisoning accidents related to asphyxiating gases in china between 1989 and 1989至2003年全國窒息性氣體重大急性職業中毒的特征

Evaluation of the effect on developmental disorder and their convalescence in asphyxiated neonate by early intervention 窒息新生兒早期干預及發育障礙保健康復的效益評價

Preventing existence of high - content nitrogen and low - content oxygen and eliminating occurrence of asphyxiating accident 綜合治理高氮低氧防止窒息事故

I almost asphyxiate 我快窒息了

The influence of myocardial function on cerebral hemodynamics in asphyxiated neonates 窒息新生兒心功能變化對腦血流動力學影響初探

My lung walls have depleted cilia . if i stay here , i could asphyxiate 我的肺快要受不了了.如果我留在這里,我會窒息的

My iung waiis have depieted ciiia . if i stay here , i couid asphyxiate 我的肺快要受不了了如果我留在這里,我會窒息的

Yourheart won ' t work anymore . you ' ll die , asphyxiated 你的心臟即將停止運作你會死去,就像窒息一樣

But asphyxiating her first so she didn ' t feel anything 先把她憋死,這樣就什么感覺也都沒有了

The men trapped in the mine were asphyxiated by gas 那些困在礦井中的人因瓦斯中毒窒息死亡。

Study of early synthetic intervention to asphyxiated newborn 窒息新生兒早期綜合干預的研究

- what do we do ? - asphyxiate the son of a bitch -那我們該怎么做? -悶死這個婊子

What do we do ? - asphyxiate the son of a bitch 那我們該怎么做? -悶死這個婊子

The men in the coal-mine were asphyxiated by the bad gas . 煤礦坑里的工人們為毒氣所窒息。