
asphyxia n.【醫學】窒息。asphyxial adj.

In her reply to a question raised at the sitting on 20 november this year concerning cases involving babies lapsing into a “ vegetative “ state as a result of birth asphyxia , the secretary for health and welfare stated that no such cases were reported by public hospitals in the past three years , and that advice would only be given to the patients by clinicians in public hospitals after the patients concerned had given consent to the delivery method to be adopted 生福利司于本年十一月二十日的會議上,回覆本局有關嬰兒出生時因腦部缺氧而變成“植物人”的質詢時,表示在過去3年,公營醫院并沒有報告有這類個案出現。


In her reply to a question raised at the sitting on 20 november this year concerning cases involving babies lapsing into a “ vegetative “ state as a result of birth asphyxia , the secretary for health and welfare stated that no such cases were reported by public hospitals in the past three years , and that advice would only be given to the patients by clinicians in public hospitals after the patients concerned had given consent to the delivery method to be adopted 生福利司于本年十一月二十日的會議上,回覆本局有關嬰兒出生時因腦部缺氧而變成“植物人”的質詢時,表示在過去3年,公營醫院并沒有報告有這類個案出現。

Results the treatment group has a quick , sure depressurization and has a abbreviated labor , a lower incidence rate of fetal distress in uterus , neonatal asphyxia and postpartum hemorrhage than that in the control group , the difference has s significant meaning ( p < 0 . 05 ) 結論硝酸甘油治療臨產后子癇前期既能迅速降壓又不抑制子宮收縮,對胎兒無不良影響,亦不增加產后出血發生率,且能減少產科并發癥的發生。

Methods after rats were sacrificed by mechanic asphyxia , the reaction of rats ' gastrocnemius to variable electric stimulation at different period after death were recorded by electricphysiological method 方法建立大鼠機械性窒息模型,利用電生理檢測儀檢測死亡后不同時間大鼠腓腸肌對不同強度的電刺激的反應性,記錄肌肉組織動作電位出觀時間,統計學分析其差異并建立回歸方程。

Results changes in the properties of excitable tissue to electric tissue to electric stimulate in rats ' gastrocnemius after mechanic asphyxia seems to be well correlated with the early postmortem interval and appeared a linear relation in certain period 結果大鼠機械性窒息死亡后一定時間內,其腓腸肌對電刺激的興奮性與死亡時間呈明顯線性關系。

Objective to investigate the changes of excitability of rats ' gastrocnemius after rats were died from mechanic asphyxia , so as to make an objective evidence for estimating of the early postmortem interval 摘要目的探討大鼠死亡后不同時間腓腸肌電興奮性的變化,為早期死亡時間的推斷提供新的指標。

Serious conditions such as asphyxia , bleeding , shock or unconsciousness should be dealt with before treating the fracture 先處理窒息、出血、休克、人事不醒等情況,然后才固定骨折

Effect of folium ginkgo extract on the erythrocyte immunity funtion and serum lipid peroxide in asphyxia neonate 銀杏葉提取物對窒息新生兒紅細胞免疫功能與血清脂質過氧化物的影響

Serious conditions such as asphyxia , bleeding , shock or unconsciousness should be dealt with before treating the fracture 先處理窒息出血休克人事不醒等情況,然后才固定骨折

What triggers sudden infant death is a period of asphyxia during sleep , when the baby slows or stops breathing 睡眠中,當寶貝的呼吸放慢或停止時,窒息引發了嬰兒死亡。

Levels of atrial natriuretic peptide and blood sugar in asphyxia neonates and its clinical significance 新生兒窒息后血清心鈉素和血糖的變化及臨床意義研究

Study of insulin - like growth factor - 1 and epidermal growth factor level in blood of newborns with asphyxia 1和表皮生長因子在窒息后新生兒血中水平的研究

Changing trend and countermeasure of death among neonate with asphyxia in impoverished rural area of guangxi 廣西貧困農村新生兒窒息死亡變化趨勢與對策

The diagnosis value of urin six small protein for early kidney damage in neonate with asphyxia 尿六聯微量蛋白對新生兒窒息后早期腎損傷的診斷價值

Organ - system injuries and risk factors related to mortality in neonates with severe birth asphyxia 新生兒重度窒息器官損害及死亡危險因素分析

Early diagnosis and prognosis of multiple organs dysfunction after asphyxia neonatorum 新生兒窒息后多系統器官功能受損的早期診斷與治療轉歸

Analysis of 144 cases of severe asphyxia neonatorum treated with a new way of resuscitation 新法復蘇搶救新生兒重度窒息144例分析

Neonatal behavioral neurological assessment and early intervene in neonates with asphyxia 窒息新生兒的行為測定和早期干預

The analysis of obstetric causes which lead to full - term neonate asphyxia 131例足月新生兒窒息產科原因分析