
asphaltum n.= asphalt.

I summarize the development of sma in recent years and highlight the research problems related to and their signifances in chapter 2 . i introduce the characteristic of sma “ s compose in chapter 3 ; i discuss the mechanism of sma in chapter 4 ; chapter 5 focuses on the requirement imposed on the ingredients of sma , such as asphaltum combined material , , thick or thin material and fibre stabilization material ; new theory to guide the design of ratio of sma ingredients are proposed in chapter 5 ; i brings forward the combined material design of ratio of sma in chapter 6 ; in chapter 7 i sum up the essential points of the paper and explains the problems happened during experiment to expect more improvement 第一章緒論,提出了對sma進行研究的目的與意義,第二章對近年來sma在國內外發展情況進行了簡單介紹;第三章介紹了sma的組成特點;第四章綜合介紹了sma的作用機理;第五章介紹了sma對瀝青結合料、粗集料、細集料、填料、纖維穩定劑等的要求;第六章提出了sma混合料配合比設計方案;第七章總結全文要點,并就實踐(實驗)過程中存在的問題進行說明,以期進一步提高。


On the basis of the stress analysis of overloading asphaltum highway surface , this paper reveals the destructive mechanism of overloading of vehicles on the asphaltum highway surface , discusses the main shortcomings of semi - rigidity basic asphaltum highway surface , and lastly recommends several types of asphaltum highway surface structures that can resist the overloading of vehicles 在對重載瀝青路面應力分析的基礎上,揭示了重載瀝青路面的破壞機理,討論了半剛性基層瀝青路面的主要缺點,最后推薦了幾種抗重載能力較強的瀝青路面結構。

In this paper , we introduce a new type asphaltum pillow about its comformation , physical character and the instance using on base isolation building . then , by using the bilinear model , benc - wen model and stretch model to represent the nonlinear hysteretic restoring - force character of the isolation bearings , by using the random vibration theory , equivalent linearization method , acceleration - frequency function of a base - isolation building lab model are studied 首先,在相關實驗的基礎上,本文選取了三種恢復力模型:退化雙線性, benc ? wen模型,彈塑性模型,來嘗試擬合瀝青的本構關系,并從理論計算上,實現這些模型對瀝青恢復力的擬合。

The intelligent construction machinery is introduced , and the intelligent control process of asphaltum - concrete road construction is described . the general structure of idss in aqsphaltum - concrete road construction is designed . the database system , knowledge base system , model base system and reasoning machine are designed 對機群智能化工程機械進行了簡要的介紹,描述了瀝青混凝土路面施工智能控制過程,設計了瀝青混凝土路面施工智能決策調度支持系統的總體結構,并對數據庫系統、知識庫系統、模型庫系統和推理機制進行了設計。

Before studying the concrete composite deck pavement , we introduce the basic theory of touching analysis , and come up with the realization of touching analysis in the fem analysis considering the touch of concrete bridge cover plates , asphaltum concrete overlay with bridge cover etc . connect with the experiment on the spot of bridge , the software ansys is used to solidity modeling and analyzing an assembly simply supported bridge before adding overlap , after adding overlap etc . , and study the influence of adding overlap on the underside bridge structures 在進行裝配式混凝土簡支板橋復合鋪裝結構的探討性研究前,先介紹了接觸分析基本理論,并提出了考慮混凝土橋面板板間接觸、瀝青混凝土加鋪層與橋面接觸等接觸分析在有限元分析中的實現思路。結合一座裝配式簡支板橋現場試驗數據,采用ansys對該橋在加鋪前后進行了實體建模與計算分析,討論了瀝青混凝土加鋪層對下部結構物的影響。

Based on the fem model , the mechanics character of the asphaltum concrete overlay has been analyzed with various parameter such as thickness changing , and the controlling indexes of the most adverse stress of this type of asphaltum concrete overlay also has been brought forward . this paper also primary put forward design method of the concrete bridge composite deck pavement structure 在此基礎上,對該類裝配式混凝土簡支板橋瀝青混凝土復合鋪裝結構受力特性進行了分析,提出了該類橋型瀝青混凝土加鋪層的設計控制指標,給出了加鋪層控制剪應力隨厚度改變的變化規律,并探討性地提出了混凝土橋復合鋪裝結構設計方法。

Visual c + + 6 . 0 is adopted in the software development of idss in asphaltum - concrete road construction . the software packed the database system , knowledge base system , model base system all together . the operation of addition , modification , deletion and insertion can be implemented easily , and the interface is friendly 采用visualc + + 6 . 0對瀝青混凝土路面施工智能決策調度支持系統進行了軟件開發,該軟件把數據庫系統、知識庫系統、模型庫系統封裝在一起,可以很方便地完成對各個庫的操作(添加、修改、刪除、插入)等,界面友好直觀,易于操作,便于理解。

I summarize the development of sma in recent years and highlight the research problems related to and their signifances in chapter 2 . i introduce the characteristic of sma “ s compose in chapter 3 ; i discuss the mechanism of sma in chapter 4 ; chapter 5 focuses on the requirement imposed on the ingredients of sma , such as asphaltum combined material , , thick or thin material and fibre stabilization material ; new theory to guide the design of ratio of sma ingredients are proposed in chapter 5 ; i brings forward the combined material design of ratio of sma in chapter 6 ; in chapter 7 i sum up the essential points of the paper and explains the problems happened during experiment to expect more improvement 第一章緒論,提出了對sma進行研究的目的與意義,第二章對近年來sma在國內外發展情況進行了簡單介紹;第三章介紹了sma的組成特點;第四章綜合介紹了sma的作用機理;第五章介紹了sma對瀝青結合料、粗集料、細集料、填料、纖維穩定劑等的要求;第六章提出了sma混合料配合比設計方案;第七章總結全文要點,并就實踐(實驗)過程中存在的問題進行說明,以期進一步提高。

According to requirements of the development of ltu125a automatic asphaltum & concrete paver , this paper analysed requirements and the functions of paver control system , and described the module architecture of measure and control software , then demonstrated the design of signal input / output program , communication program between measure & control computer and interactive computer and direction processing computer , the main program for measure and control , and interactive program . 2figs . , 5refs 分析了攤鋪機測控系統的軟件需求及功能,描述了測控軟件的模塊化結構,討論了信號輸入/輸出接口程序設計、測控機與交互機及方向機之間的通信程序設計、測控主模塊程序及人機交互程序設計等.圖2 ,參4

3 . according to the characteristics of asphaltum - concrete road construction , the idss model based on multi - agent technology is adopted into the road construction , and the idss system of asphaltum - concrete road construction is established . the system comprises work condition perceiving agent , command shaping agent and command display agent 根據瀝青混凝土路面施工的特點,把基于multi - agent技術的idss模型應用到路面施工中,建立了瀝青混凝土路面智能決策調度支持系統,該系統由工況感知agent 、指令形成agent和指令顯示agent三部分組成,分別對應于模型中的信息感知agent ,信息處理agent和用戶界面agent 。

Supported by the national 863 science plan of china - a group of intelligent construction machinery ( grant no . 2001 aa422011 ) , idss of asphaltum - concrete road construction is systematically and thoroughly studied , and an agent - based idss for road construction is put forward . the main work and innovative ideas include : 1 在國家“ 863 ”計劃項目? ? “機群智能化工程機械實施方案研究” (項目編號: 2001aa422011 )的支持下,本文對瀝青混凝土路面施工的智能決策調度支持系統進行了較為系統深入的研究,提出了基于multi - agent技術的idss ,本文的主要工作和創新點如下: 1

2 . tazhong ancient uplift originated from normal fault in paleozoic , hydrocarbon formed in ordovician period , structure reverse made tazhong uplift form from the middle ordovician period to the late ordovician period , and it provided geologic background for the deposit of silurian - devonian stratum . tazhong uplift formed at the end devonian , ancient reservoir was destroyed and asphaltum sandstone formed , structure deformation more destroyed ancient reservoir in early permian , after then the major of structure deformation is regulation 塔中隆起源于早古生代拉張背景下的正斷層,寒武-奧陶紀為其烴源巖形成的重要時期;早奧陶世末-晚奧陶世末的構造反轉是塔中隆起的主要形成期,同時也為志留系形成地層及復合圈閉提供了古地理背景;志留?泥盆紀塔里木盆地南北緣均轉為活動大陸邊緣,形成了大量的斷裂和不整合;泥盆紀末塔中鼻狀隆起基本定型,古油藏遭受破壞,形成了瀝青砂巖;早二疊世晚期的構造變形使古油藏遭受進一步的破壞;二疊紀后構造變動主要以調節為主。

The analysis of micro - climate site of the road greenbelt in the building process of expressway , a lot of calcareousness , powder of coal ash , asphaltum and stone were put into used . on one hand , it completely destroys the original soil structure , making the soil really barren , on the other hand , the rise of roadbed also affects the ground water to go up , making the soil very drought 路體綠地立地條件分析高速公路在修建過程中,采用了很多的石灰、粉煤灰、瀝青、石塊等材料,一方面使原有的土壤結構被徹底破壞,土質十分貧瘠,另一方面路基抬高影響地下水位上升,土壤十分干旱。

During the period of asphaltum - concrete road construction , construction group is huge , whether the construction machines can be attempered reasonably and efficiently , then dispose kinds of unexpected changes , is the key of construction process 在瀝青混凝土路面施工過程中,施工群體龐大,能否對各施工機械進行合理的、高效的調度,快速準確地處理施工過程中出現的各種突發變化,是整個施工過程的關鍵。

The characters and reasons of easily destroyed asphaltum road was mainly discussed in this paper . then some prevention and cure measures was proposed to improve the quality of road construction 摘要瀝青路面易損病害易發生在水泥混凝土加鋪瀝青混凝土、地勢坑凹多雨水、斜坡、轉彎及十字路口、公交站等路段。合理設計路面結構、加強瀝青路面防水設計、嚴格控制施工質量是瀝青路面易損病害的主要防治措施。

At last , using the bilinear model couvades the restoring - force character of the new type asphaltum , we seeing about the seism resist effect of the asphaltum pillow 最后,以選取的模型為瀝青力學行為,以一個實際建筑物為算例,計算和考察該新型材料作為基礎隔震墊的隔震性能好壞。

This paper introduces construction technique and method of asphaltum concrete surface in a construction section of reruan road in songbei district of harbin city 本文介紹了哈爾濱市松北新區熱源路道路工程某施工路段瀝青混凝土路面面層施工工藝和方法。

Pavement structure that is put forward in this paper turn away these disadvantages that the asphaltum road and ordinary concrete road easily come forth often 本文所提出的路面結構避免了瀝青路面和普通混凝土路面易出現的缺點和不足。

Simple exploration to the project of laying asphaltum concrete on cement pavement 水泥路面加鋪瀝青混凝土面層方案適應性淺探