
asphalt n.瀝青,柏油。 asphalt concrete 柏油...

asphalt cloud

The manage of asphalt binder material 高等級公路瀝青混合料原材料的質量管理

The performance and application of diatomite modified asphalt 硅藻土改性瀝青應用研究

Polymer modified asphalt cement for use in pavement construction 聚合物改性道路瀝青

Asphalt macadam for roads and other paved areas 道路和其他鋪砌區用瀝青碎石

Trinidad standard specification for trinidad lake modified asphalt 特立尼達

Application of cold asphalt pavement recycling 瀝青路面冷再生技術及其適用性

Large - grain asphalt mixture pavement performance study 大粒徑瀝青混合料路用性能研究

A new modifier for asphalt waterproof material 聚合物改性乳化瀝青稀漿封層的試驗研究

Study on test methods of softening point of asphalt 瀝青軟化點測試方法的研究

New idea of study mechanism of asphalt modification 瀝青改性機理研究的新構想

Distributing quality control of asphalt distributor 瀝青灑布車灑布質量的控制

Requirements for asphalt heat - transfer oil melter 導熱油加熱瀝青設備技術要求

Sbs modified asphalt mixture spreading and compaction 改性瀝青混合料路面攤鋪與壓實

Construction technique of modified asphalt sma mixture pavement 混合料路面施工技術

Asphalt storage melting and heating units - terminology 瀝青儲存熔化和加熱裝置術語

How asphalt type affects asphalt mixture trace 瀝青類型對瀝青混合料車轍的影響

Herrmam testing of asphalt ; herrmann falling ball test 瀝青的檢驗.第18部分:海爾曼

Most are built of brick and roofed with asphalt 房子大多是磚砌的和瀝青屋頂。

Study of skid resistance technology for asphalt pavement 瀝青路面開槽灌縫技術研究