
aspersion n.1.誣蔑,中傷。2.【天主教】灑圣水。短語和例子ca...


Carrie felt this to contain , in some way , an aspersion upon her ability 嘉莉覺得這話多少含有貶低她的才能的意思。

How dare you cast aspersions on my wife ' s character 你竟敢誹謗我妻子的人格

Should you hear my name blackened and maligned, will you credit the aspersion ? 要是你聽見我的名譽受到誹謗,你會相信那讒言嗎?

How dare you cast aspersions on my wife 's character ! 你竟敢誹謗我妻子的人格!

You really shouldn't cast aspersions . 你可不能對別人濫加誹謗。