
asperse vt.1.辱罵;誣蔑,中傷。2.【天主教】對…灑洗禮水;...


Come so , be in when the guest absorption when chatting , carry on one dish of tea suddenly , not only let a guest frighten jump , and the hand that the brandish when still coming up against a guest to chat wears , tea overturn , aspersed a suit , do the guest is very awkwardly 這樣一來,當客人正在專心交談時,忽然端上一盤茶,不但讓客人嚇了一跳,而且還碰到了客人交談時揮舞著的手,將茶打翻了,灑了一身,弄得客人十分尷尬。

He says law enforcement fact turn the tide upon those who seek to asperse the country ' s good name 他厲行執法的事實遏阻了那些想要破壞國家名譽的人。

He said law enforcement facts turn the tide upon those who seek to asperse the country ' s good name 他說執法的事實遏止了那些想要破壞國家名譽的人。

He said law enforcement facts turn the tide upon those who seek to asperse the country's good name . 他說執法的事實遏阻了那些想要破壞國家名譽的人。

They aspersed her character . 他們誹謗了她的品格。