
asperity n.1.(表面)粗糙,(氣候)嚴酷;(聲音)刺耳。2.(...

“ how strange , “ continued the king , with some asperity ; “ the police think that they have disposed of the whole matter when they say , a murder has been committed , and especially so when they can add , and we are on the track of the guilty persons “多妙呀! ”國王用很尖酸的語氣繼續說道。 “當警務部說又發生了一起謀殺案的時候,尤其是,當他們又加上一句我們已經在追蹤兇手的時候,他們就以為一切就都已了結。 ”

It is believed that the exposure of highly reactive surfaces during the wear process along with the high temperatures at asperity contacts act to “ polymerize “ the fluid , forming a viscous sludge , which inhibits bearing rotation 研究表明,高溫下的金屬表面在磨損過程中會產生粘稠的“聚合物”物質,形成粘稠的油泥,阻礙了軸承旋轉。

“ yes , flowers , “ my mother replied with some asperity , as though she would have nothing said or implied against flowers “是的,花兒, ”我媽媽回答,聲音有點嚴厲,似乎她不許人家說或者暗示反對花兒的話。

“ mr . ford has already explained the situation , “ he said with asperity . “ and so have i . the check will be mailed - “福特先生已經解釋過了, ”他粗暴地說, “我也講得很明白。

“ i didn ' t enquire , “ answered the doctor with some asperity “我沒有問, ”醫生回答得相當尖刻。

“i didn't enquire,“ answered the doctor with some asperity . “我沒有問,”醫生回答得相當尖刻。


Based on the direct shear test of double - asperity joints include two tooth - shaped asperities , the shear properties of double - asperity joints are analyzed according to the difference of two asperities ' angles , and the failure mechanism of double - asperity joints and the effects to joints ' failure mode and shear strength produced by the order of two asperities are discussed 摘要通過對由兩個齒形凸體組合構成的雙齒節理進行直剪試驗,分析了兩個齒形凸體的起伏角相等時和不等時雙齒節理的剪切特性;觀察和分析含兩種不同起伏角凸起體的雙齒節理的漸進破壞過程與機理,以及兩個齒形凸起體的排列順序對此類雙齒節理的剪切強度和變形特性的影響。

It is observed that the topography of the area with noise on a scar surface is characterized by larger surface roughness , plowing grooves , pits or adhesive joined asperities . while it is found that the topography of the scar after noise disappearance is characterized by a clear polished scar surface and a smaller surface roughness 有噪聲磨痕形貌的特征是表面粗糙度比較大、存在不規則的犁溝、麻坑或粘著微凸體;而噪聲消失后的磨痕形貌特征是表面粗糙度比較小、有微拋光作用發生。

Based on g - w contact model , two rough surfaces in contact were simplified to a smooth one and a rough one which has regular rectangular asperities , and a three - dimensional transient thermal and stress coupled fem model was established using thermal - structure sequential coupling . the course of the sliding with friction was simulated using the nonlinear multiphysics field fem , meanwhile considering thermal - elastic problems of the two bodies , to calculate and analyze the temperature , contact pressure and stress of the sliding contact surfaces with frictional heating 基于g - w接觸模型,將兩個粗糙表面簡化為一個有規則排列的長方體微凸體的粗糙表面與一光滑表面,利用熱結構順序耦合建立三維瞬態有限元計算模型,考慮兩個物體摩擦接觸的熱彈性問題,采用非線性有限元多物理場來實現,對粗糙表面接觸模型的瞬時摩擦溫度場、壓力場和應力場進行了計算分析。

The results were summarized as follows : ( 1 ) diamond - like carbon films could be fabricated by plasma source ion implantation ; it was found that different parameters such as the negative voltage , frequency , gas flux influenced sp3 bond ratio of dlcs , the paper described the effect in details and showed that diamond - like carbon films with increasing negative voltage , reducing frequency , appropriate gas flux got high proportion of sp3 bond ; dlcs prepared by psii contained a good deal of sic , the composition affected its properties ( such as the films hardness ) ; psii method could offer good adhesion to dlcs , but it caused the surface morphology to become asperity 研究結果表明: ( 1 )用全方位離子注入技術能夠制備出類金剛石膜。在全方位離子注入技術中,不同的偏壓、頻率、氣體流量都對薄膜中sp ~ 3鍵比例有所影響,文中對具體的影響進行了分析,發現偏壓增加、頻率降低和適中的氣體流量可以制備出含sp ~ 3鍵較多的類金剛石膜;同時發現用全方位離子注入技術制備的類金剛石膜含有大量的sic成份,這對薄膜的性能(例如硬度)影響很大;用全方位離子注入制備的薄膜其結合力得到增強,但薄膜的表面形貌差。

Rodents have evolved a series of physiological , morphological , and behavioral characteristics to adapt the asperity of desert environment , and their excavating and feeding activities also deeply affect the environment of desert ecosystem 鼠類作為生物干擾的重要代表,是荒漠生態系統斑塊形成的主要來源,它們已從生理、形態、行為進化出一系列特點適應了荒漠生態系統的嚴酷環境,同時其挖掘、采食行為也深刻影響著荒漠生態系統的環境。

“ how strange , “ continued the king , with some asperity ; “ the police think that they have disposed of the whole matter when they say , a murder has been committed , and especially so when they can add , and we are on the track of the guilty persons “多妙呀! ”國王用很尖酸的語氣繼續說道。 “當警務部說又發生了一起謀殺案的時候,尤其是,當他們又加上一句我們已經在追蹤兇手的時候,他們就以為一切就都已了結。 ”

According to the suh ' s theory of friction genesis and based on the change in topography with and without noise , it is assumed that the there is dynamic components of friction force in the area where uneven plowing grooves and pits or adhesive joined asperities are generated 根據噪聲與磨痕形貌的關系,本文提出了新的摩擦噪聲形成機理:在不規則的犁溝和麻坑或粘著微凸體形成區域,摩擦力有動態成分。

Soft scene , daring demonstration , i would not have ; and i stood in peril of both : a weapon of defence must be prepared - i whetted my tongue : as he reached me , i asked with asperity , whom he was going to marry now 柔情蜜意的場面,大膽露骨的表示,我都不希望發生。但兩種危險我都面臨著。我必須準備好防患的武器我磨尖了舌頭,待他一走近我,便厲聲問道,他現在要跟誰結婚呢?

It is believed that the exposure of highly reactive surfaces during the wear process along with the high temperatures at asperity contacts act to “ polymerize “ the fluid , forming a viscous sludge , which inhibits bearing rotation 研究表明,高溫下的金屬表面在磨損過程中會產生粘稠的“聚合物”物質,形成粘稠的油泥,阻礙了軸承旋轉。

In the question of the grazing lands his peevish asperity is notorious and in mr cuffe s hearing brought upon him from an indignant rancher a scathing retort couched in terms as straightforward as they were bucolic 關于牧場問題,彼之乖戾粗暴已臭名遠揚。某次,當著卡夫先生之面,觸怒一牧場主,以致遭到該鄉人以刻薄言詞之反擊。

But here he was set right by mrs . bennet , who assured him with some asperity that they were very well able to keep a good cook , and that her daughters had nothing to do in the kitchen 班納特太太聽到他這句話,不禁把他指責了一番。她相當不客氣地跟他說,她們家里現在還雇得起一個象樣的廚子,根本用不到女兒們過問廚房里的事。

It is because in the area with a larger coefficient of friction the dynamic friction components due to plowing and 7 iv asperities deformation are strongest 當摩擦系數較大時,摩擦力組成分量中的犁削分量和微凸體變形分量的動態成分最強,摩擦噪聲必首先發生在該區域。

Tradition method of risk tolerance believe that the yield distribution of option obey normal distribution the result always be asperity and the error is relatively great 傳統的風險度量方法假設期權的收益率分布服從正態分布,度量的結果往往顯得粗糙,誤差較大。