
aspergillus n.(pl. -gilli ) 【微生物學】曲霉菌。


After yellow aspergillus toxin enters the person ' s liver , be released to issue the part that has active by splitting decomposition , action at liver cell , have the effect that cause cancer 黃曲霉毒素進入人的肝臟后被裂解釋放出具有活性的成分,作用于肝細胞,具有致癌作用。

Usgs investigators then showed how the aspergillus fungus and other organisms could survive the long trip from africa protected by dense clouds of dust 接下來, usgs的調查人員也說明了這種真菌和其他生物如何受到濃密的沙塵云所保護,因而能在始自非洲的長途旅行中存活下來。

Aspergillus oryzae , a kind of filamentous fungus , has been widely used in industrial production . so far , we do n ' t know so much about its transcription mechanism 米曲霉aspergillusoryzae是一種廣泛應用于工業的絲狀真菌,但現在人們對它的轉錄調控機制還知之甚少。

We report here a successfully treated case of disseminated aspergillus fumigatus infection involving the lungs , brain , and endocardium in a multivisceral transplant recipient 我們報道一例多器官移植患者肺、腦、以及心內膜彌漫性侵襲曲霉菌感染成功救治的病例。

Two novel cellulases were identified and isolated to homogeneity from a commercial aspergillus niger cellulase preparation . one was an endo - l , 4 - - glucanase ( ec 本文是關于黑曲霉( aspergillusniger )中兩種纖維素酶的分離純化與表征及其動力學作用機制的研究。

Wild filamentous fungi obtained from natural fermented millet catsup were identified as aspergillus oryzae by morphology after purifying iteratively 摘要反復純化培養自然發酵的粟米醬中分離的野生絲狀真菌,經形態學鑒定,確認其為米曲?菌群的米曲?菌。

Candida spp . and aspergillus spp . account for most inasie fungal infections . the incidence of fungal infection aries with type of solid organ transplant 念珠菌和曲霉菌大多數是侵襲性真菌感染。真菌感染的發病率隨著實體器官移植種類的不同而不同。

Lier transplant recipients hae highest reported incidence of candida infections while lung transplant recipients hae highest rate of aspergillus infections 在肝移植受者中因念珠菌引起的感染報道最多;而肺移植受者中因曲霉菌引起的感染報道最多。

Recent epidemiological studies suggest the emergence of resistant strains of candida as well as mycelial fungi other than aspergillus in these patients 近來的流行病學研究表明:在這些患者中,除曲霉菌之外,念珠菌、絲狀真菌都出現了抗性菌株。

And agaricales ; the percentages of antimicrobial strains are as follows : 21 . 2 % filamentous fungi , 14 . 6 % macrofungi , most of which belong to aspergillus sp 2 ,分別屬于曲霉、毛霉、短梗霉等屬中,曲霉是主要的優勢屬。

At present , most of lactases used in industry production come from kluyveromyces , aspergillus niger and aspergillus oryzae 目前,工業生產中使用的乳糖酶主要來源于乳酸克魯維斯酵母菌、黑曲霉和米曲霉。

The measure wavelength was modified to 420 nm as precise a protoplasting technique has been developed for the aspergillus niger 確定本實驗用的植酸酶酶活測定方法為丙酮法,測量波長修正為420nm 。

The results showed aspergillus niger bn was the optimal fungus , and the productive rate of gutta - perch increased 13 . 3 % 結果表明,黑曲霉bn易于分解杜仲葉,且經其發酵處理后膠得率可提高13 . 3 % 。

Analysis of kojic acid in aspergillus oryzae ferment by ion - pair reversed - phase high performance liquid chromatography 離子對高效液相色譜法分析米曲霉發酵液中的曲酸

Preliminary result show that strain 03214 was aspergillus niger , designated aspergillus niger 03214 經初步鑒定, 03214號菌為黑曲霉,編號為aspergillusniger03214 。

Characteristic of respective components from cellulase system induced by aspergillus niger and condition of enzymolysis 黑曲霉產纖維素酶系各組分特性及酶解條件

Test method for detection and estimation of retention of wood preservatives by aspergillus bioassaying 曲霉菌生物試驗法檢測和估計木材防腐劑有效期的方法

Purification and properties of an endo - - glucanase from a commercial preparation of aspergillus niger 黑曲霉產纖維素酶系中內切酶的純化和性質

Study on the technologies of liquid - state fermentation for producing pectinase with aspergillus niger 黑曲霉液態發酵生產果膠酶的工藝條件初探