
aspergillosis n.【醫學】曲霉病,曲菌病。


New york ( reuters health ) dec 29 - posaconazole is an effective alternative for patients with invasive aspergillosis refractory to conventional therapy , according to a report in the january 1 , 2007 clinical infectious diseases 紐約(路透社健康專欄) 12月29日?據《臨床感染疾病》上2007年1月1日一篇文章稱,泊沙康唑對傳統藥物難治的侵襲性曲霉菌病有效,可作為一種治療選擇。

Posaconazole has significant in vitro activity against a wide range of fungi , including aspergillus species , the authors explain , but little is known about its clinical effectiveness and safety in patients with invasive aspergillosis 泊沙康唑在體外實驗中對多種真菌有拮抗作用,包括曲霉菌屬,該文章作者解釋道,但其對侵襲性曲霉菌病患者的臨床療效及安全性尚不清楚。

Combination of voriconazole and caspofungin as primary therapy for invasive aspergillosis in solid organ transplant recipients : a prospective , multicenter , observational study 背景:聯合應用伏立康唑和卡泊芬凈作為器官移植患者侵襲性曲霉感染的基礎性治療方法的療效尚未進行研究。

The rate of response to posaconazole was higher among patients with extrapulmonary aspergillosis ( 53 % ) than among those with pulmonary aspergillosis ( 39 % ) , the results indicate 泊沙康唑對肺外曲霉菌病患者療效( 53 % )高于肺內曲霉菌病患者療效( 39 % ) ,研究結果表明。

Disseminated invasive aspergillosis is a serious and potentially lethal infectious complication of immunosuppressed individuals , including transplant recipients 對于包含器官移植受者在內的免疫抑制個體,彌漫性侵襲曲霉菌感染是致命的感染性并發癥。

The value of serum galactomannan detection for diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients 異基因造血干細胞移植治療再生障礙性貧血16例臨床觀察

Combination therapy was used as primary therapy for invasive aspergillosis in 47 % , and as salvage in 80 % 47 %的侵襲性曲霉菌感染患者采用聯合治療作為首選, 80 %的患者作為補救治療。

Diagnostic techniques for avian aspergillosis 禽曲霉菌病診斷技術

Nursing to 20 pulmonary aspergillosis patients 20例肺曲霉菌感染病人的護理