
asper n.阿斯皮爾〔土耳其和埃及從前的銀幣名,后來作為錢幣的單...


Compared with the market share of systems adopted by several journals in taiwan , the authors also analyze the aspers process empirically , and concluded the obstacles or opportunities to success remain with a mature submission / refereeing manner and the sufficient contributions for journals 在臚列其它同性質之非商業軟體之基礎下,最后,以學術期刊出版應用之使用評估與需求觀點,綜結學術期刊出版走入電子化管理模式的契機與阻礙,在于能否具有成熟的投稿與評閱習慣,以及足量的期刊投稿件數。

This policy of insurance witnesses that the people ' s insurance company of china ( hereinafter called “ the company ” ) at the request of the insured and in consideration of the agreed premium paid to the company by the insured , undertakes to insure the undermentioned goods in transportation subject to the conditions of this of this policy asper the clauses printed overleaf and other specil clauses attached hereon 中國人民保險公司(以下簡稱本公司)根據被保險人的要求,由被保險人向本公司繳付約定的保險費,按照本保險單承保險別和背面所載條款與下列特款承保下述貨物運輸保險,特立本保險單。