
aspen n.【植物;植物學】白楊樹;歐洲山楊。 the Chin...

Captured 18 awards acorss the globe , including : 8 “ best film “ 3 “ best director “ 7 “ most favorite film by audience “ 28 “ top 10 film of the year 囊括全球18大獎口碑感動推介:項最佳電影愛丁堡電影節durban電影節aspen電影節加拿大卡加立電影節英國列茲電影節西班牙巴來多利電影節瑞士加

Ralston says beyond recuperation , he ' s looking forward to getting “ back to aspen , to doing what i love doing up there . returning to work , and getting back outdoors . 拉斯頓說,除了康復之外,他現在最大的愿望是“回到阿斯坪,去做我在那里喜歡做的事。回到工作崗位,回歸自然。 ”


Based on the comprehensive analysis of climate factor , biological feature and soil humility as well as the experimental data of aspen shelter belt for years , a calculation model for aspen shelter belt evapotranspiration in the tarim river basin was built and verified with the evapotranspiration data directly measured in aspen shelter belt 摘要在綜合分析氣候、植物生物學特性和土壤濕度三方面因素的基礎上,利用多年的白楊農田防護林試驗資料,建立了塔里木河流域白楊農田防護林蒸散量的計算模式,并利用白楊林實際蒸散量的測量值,對模式進行了驗證。

In the early 1990s , the institute of information studies , made up of the aspen institute and other agencies in the us , published an almanac for 1993 - 94 . its main title was the knowledge - based economy the nature of the information age in the 21st century the term , knowledge - based economy , was beginning to gain currency 九十年代初,由美國阿斯本學院等部門聯合成立的資訊研究學院所發表的1993 1994年鑒,就是以“知識經濟:二十一世紀信息時代的本質”為總標題。

The 27 - year - old from aspen , colo . , was thrust into the national spotlight on may 1 , when he walked to safety from a remote utah canyon after using a pocketknife to amputate his own right arm , which had been pinned beneath an 800 - pound boulder for five days 現年27歲來自科羅拉多阿斯坪的亞倫,在被夾在800磅重的巨石下5天之后,他用隨身的小刀切斷了自己的右臂,從遙遠的猶他大峽谷安全返回,在五月一號這一天,他成為了全國矚目的焦點

As a general rule , forests dominated by angiosperms ( broadleaf forests ) are more species - rich than those dominated by gymnosperms ( conifer or needleleaf forests ) , although exceptions exist ( for example , species - poor aspen and birch stands in northern latitudes ) 作為普遍規則,受被子植物支配的森林(闊葉林)比那些受裸子植物支配的森林(松樹或針葉林)物種豐富,雖然有例外存在(例如,種類匱乏的白楊和樺樹生長在北緯度地區) 。

I lived in my father ' s house for a year and a half in 1990 / 91 when i was working at a gallery in aspen , but had no experiences except for being extremely uncomfortable in the downstairs area 他的這座房子,我只是在1990年到1991年間住了一年半,其時我正在阿斯彭的一家展覽館工作,在此期間除了對這座房子的樓下部分感到極其不舒服外,也沒有什么特別的感受。

He participated in the aspen music festival from 1995 to 2001 and won the nakamichi violin concerto competition held in 1996 . li continued his studies at the university of cincinnati conservatory of music in 1999 and 2000 一九九五至二oo一年期間,他均參與艾斯賓音樂節,九六年更在艾斯賓舉行的仲道小提琴協奏曲比賽勝出。

The trees stretched away and away , and there were endlessly recurrent patches of ivy along the wall with glimpses of lofty roofs and screens of poplars interspersed with dense masses of elms and aspens 樹木延綿不斷,圍墻上爬滿了常春藤有些亭閣的屋頂露出來,茂密的榆樹和山楊樹后面,緊接著的是一排排白楊樹。

He has performed with many of today s leading artists including sarah chang and hilary hahn . koenig has appeared at many festivals including aspen and ravinia and is frequently heard on radio and television 瞿歷曾在多個音樂節獻藝,包括艾斯賓及拉溫尼亞,而他的演奏亦經常在電臺和電視臺播放。

Successful experiments have been demonstrated in arobidopsis , aspen , rice and citrus . although ginkgo is an old gymnosperm , its leafy ortholog will perhaps controls flowering time 雖然銀杏是較古老的裸子植物,但由于leafy基因的保守性,銀杏leafy同源基因也可能調控著銀杏開花的時間。

Captured 18 awards acorss the globe , including : 8 “ best film “ 3 “ best director “ 7 “ most favorite film by audience “ 28 “ top 10 film of the year 囊括全球18大獎口碑感動推介:項最佳電影愛丁堡電影節durban電影節aspen電影節加拿大卡加立電影節英國列茲電影節西班牙巴來多利電影節瑞士加

Ralston says beyond recuperation , he ' s looking forward to getting “ back to aspen , to doing what i love doing up there . returning to work , and getting back outdoors . 拉斯頓說,除了康復之外,他現在最大的愿望是“回到阿斯坪,去做我在那里喜歡做的事。回到工作崗位,回歸自然。 ”

The result revealed that the model had high precision and could be used to calculate the evapotranspiration in aspen shelter belt of the tarim river basin 結果表明,該模式計算精度較高,可以作為計算塔里木河流域白楊農田防護林蒸散量的一種方法而使用。

First prizes for animation direction , asifa new york , seattle film festival , aspen film festival , hiroshima international animation festival 1988 1988年紐約國際動畫電影協會(動畫及導演) 、西雅圖國際電影節、阿斯本國際電影節、廣島國際動畫展一等獎

2 . the craft process model of the device was constructed with aspen plus system , make sure boundary operation term and proceed hand orthogonal design 應用aspenplus過程模擬系統構造該裝置的工藝流程模型,以確定邊界操作條件,進行正交試驗設計。

Aspen media literacy conference proceedings , 1992 : a media literate person can access , analyze , evaluate , and produce both print and electronic media 一個具備媒介素養的人具備獲取、分析、評價、使用印刷的和電子的媒體的能力。

But you know if they do catch meand you too with your chivalrous sentimentsit will just be the samethe nearest aspen - tree . he paused 要是真被捉了去,你和我連同你那騎士風度,都會給吊到白楊樹上。 ”他頓了一頓。

Well , if you ask me , id bury him in the earth , if i caught him . yes , with a good aspen cudgel . the number of folk he has destroyed “假如他落在我的手里,我一定把他埋起來,再釘上一根楊樹樁,他害了多少人哇! ”