
aspect n.1.樣子,光景;容貌,神色。2.(房屋等的)方向,方...

aspect ratio

His countenance instantly assumed an aspect of the deepest gloom . 他頓時愁眉鎖眼,露出了無限深沉的憂郁。

We dealt with the peripheral aspects of a cost reduction program . 我們談到了降低成本計劃的一些外圍問題。

Bathsheba's was an impulsive nature under a deliberative aspect . 巴絲謝芭是個外表持重而性格好沖動的人。

One had better see life in its various aspects when young . 一個人最好在年輕時就能看到生活的各個方面。

Well, hareton's aspect was the ghost of my immortal love . 是的,哈里頓的模樣是我那不朽的愛情的幻影。

Phases of her childhood lurked in her aspect still . 童年的神情,在她的面貌上仍舊隱隱約約看得出來。

The european is more fascinated by america's primitive aspects . 歐洲人更喜歡美國生活中原始的一面。

There is also a negative aspect to hotel public relations . 對于旅館公共關系,還有一個相反的方面。

He raised his eyes, read the meaning of my blank aspect . 他抬起眼睛,從我呆呆的神色中看出了意思。

Many aspects of a company's reward system are quite unclear . 公司獎勵制度的許多方面是很不明確的。

The indication given by a signal is known as the signal aspect . 信號所發出的燈色,稱為信號方式。

Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter . 然而,那還只是這件事情的一個微不足道的方面。

Things take on a new aspect . 萬象更新。

There was, to be sure, a faddish aspect to this enthusiasm . 在這個熱潮中,肯定有趕時髦的成分。

The political aspects were at once more remote and speculative . 政治形勢則比較模糊,難以料定。

An important aspect of floods is found in urban situation . 洪水的一個重要方面見于城市區域。

Deterrence has two aspects . 威懾有兩個方面。

The axis lies in any other direction the aspect is oblique . 該軸位于其它方向,則稱為斜軸。

Motion is one of the most obvious aspects of man's world . 運動是人類世界最明顯的特點之一。