
aspartame n.阿斯巴特〔一種糖精〕。

An artificial sweetener found in 6 , 000 types of food , drink and medicines should be banned , an mp urged last night . politicians were warned of “ compelling and reliable “ evidence that aspartame can cause cancer . the controversial additive is found in a huge number of popular products such as cola , cereal and chocolate 英國一位下院議員日前提出,一種包含在6000多種食品飲料和藥物中的人造甜味劑阿斯巴甜aspartame應該被禁用,因為有非常“可靠且具有說服力”的證據顯示,它能導致癌癥。

Dr . morando soffritti , who led the study for the bologna - based european ramazzini foundation , also assailed the u . s . study , saying that it was an example of how “ some researchers are ready to put themselves at the disposal of the industry “ that produces sweeteners . he contended the u . s . research did n ' t distinguish between aspartame and other sweetener use and did not measure lifetime sweetener use 位于意大利博洛尼亞的歐洲拉馬奇尼基金會的莫蘭多索弗里蒂博士指責美國人在研究中并未對阿斯巴甜和其它種類的甜味劑加以區分,而且也沒有計算一個人終生食用甜味劑的數量。

“ there is no reason . to undertake any further extensive review of the safety of aspartame , “ said iona pratt , a toxicologist who headed the panel 但負責向歐盟食品安全機構提供咨詢服務的專家們日前指出,這一結論是錯誤的。


Typical examples include common elements such as oxygen , helium and the relative new carbon - 60 ; the anaesthetic gases such as nitrous oxide lathing gas and ether , urea - the first man - made organic compound , consumer products such as adhesives and the sugar substituted aspartame ; dna the coil of life ; and the fiascos in the proclaimed discoveries of cold fusion and memory effect of water 主要內容包括:氧、氦、笑氣、乙醚、碳60等元素及化合物的發現, 11 .第一個有機化合物的合成,各類日用黏貼膠的制備,代糖aspartame的發現, dna雙螺旋結構模型的厘定以及冷核聚變和水分子記憶功能兩項發現的鬧劇。

On the other hand , the results of asphalt four components analysis experiments indicate that using the ratio of resin and aspartames to evaluate the asphalt adhesion is reasonable and sound . at the same time , the author makes use of rectangular reference frame to analyze the correlation between the asphalt four components and the adhesion ; and it can be concluded that the rectangular area of the asphalt four components in rectangular reference frame has good relations with the asphalt adhesion 通過對瀝青的四組分分析,試驗結果表明:采用膠質與瀝青質的比值來評價瀝青的粘附性是可行的;同時,提出利用矩形坐標系來分析瀝青的四組分和粘附性之間的內在聯系,結果表明:矩形坐標系下瀝青四組分的四邊形面積與其粘附性有相當好的相關性。

An artificial sweetener found in 6 , 000 types of food , drink and medicines should be banned , an mp urged last night . politicians were warned of “ compelling and reliable “ evidence that aspartame can cause cancer . the controversial additive is found in a huge number of popular products such as cola , cereal and chocolate 英國一位下院議員日前提出,一種包含在6000多種食品飲料和藥物中的人造甜味劑阿斯巴甜aspartame應該被禁用,因為有非常“可靠且具有說服力”的證據顯示,它能導致癌癥。

With 70 % ethanol as moistening agent , when the formula was 15 % extract powder of gynostemma pentaphyllum , 77 % mannitol and 4 % aspartame , adding 0 . 1 % mentha - camphor and 3 % magnesium stearate , a new gynostemma pentaphyllum . buccal tablet without sugar could be obtained , with special favor of gynostemma pentaphyllm , smooth and good looking surface , good hardness and disintegrability , health - keeping function , color accorded 當以70 %乙醇作潤濕劑, 15 %絞股藍浸膏粉、 77 %甘露醇、 4 %阿斯巴甜為材料,再添加上述混合料總量的0 . 1 %薄荷腦和3 %硬脂酸鎂, 60的干燥溫度,可制得口感好、有絞股藍特有風味、表面光滑美觀、色澤一致、硬度好、崩解性良好、具有保健功能的新型絞股藍無糖口含片。

Dr . morando soffritti , who led the study for the bologna - based european ramazzini foundation , also assailed the u . s . study , saying that it was an example of how “ some researchers are ready to put themselves at the disposal of the industry “ that produces sweeteners . he contended the u . s . research did n ' t distinguish between aspartame and other sweetener use and did not measure lifetime sweetener use 位于意大利博洛尼亞的歐洲拉馬奇尼基金會的莫蘭多索弗里蒂博士指責美國人在研究中并未對阿斯巴甜和其它種類的甜味劑加以區分,而且也沒有計算一個人終生食用甜味劑的數量。

In april 2006 , us fda and then in may 2006 , the european food safety authority reconfirmed that aspartame is safe for human consumption and that there are no problems for its continued use as an additive in ready prepared foods and as a table top sweetener 2006年4月和6月,美國fda和歐洲食品安全局都再次確認人類食用阿斯巴甜是安全的,繼續作為半成品的添加劑和餐桌糖食用是沒有問題的。

The neotame was synthesized from isobutylene , ethylene and aspartame via addition , oxidation , catalytical hydrogenation in 14 . 5 % total yield , the physical properties and infrared spectroscopy of product are identical with literature 摘要以異丁烯、乙烯和阿斯巴甜為原料,經加成、氧化和催化氫化等步驟合成了紐甜,總產率14 . 5 % (以異丁烯計) ,產品的物理性質與波譜數據與文獻一致。

The authors of the study claim that current research on the effects of aspartame are based on studies that did not use a large enough sample of animals and did not allow the animals to lie out their natural lifespan 這項研究的作者主張現有的關于阿巴斯甜的效果的研究是基于沒有使用足夠大數目的動物樣本,從而使樣本動物沒有達到自然生活周期。

The popular diet sweetener aspartame won another round in the safety debate when a european panel of scientists said friday there ' s no sign it raises the risk of cancer 做為一種被廣泛使用的甜味劑,阿斯巴甜安全與否一直受到一些人的質疑,但一個由科學家組成的歐盟食品安全工作小組日前說,沒有跡象表明阿斯巴甜會增加一個人患上癌癥的風險。

The advances in research on the three dipeptide sweeteners : aspartame , alitame and neotame , prepared from amino acids , were introduced and their applications and market were also described 摘要介紹了以氨基酸為原料生產的二肽甜味劑阿斯巴甜、阿力甜和樂甜的研究開發情況,對這三種甜味劑的應用和市場情況作了概述。

The process for its preparation from aspartame precursor including the process for preparing 3 , 3 - dimethylbutyraldehyde , the key raw material , is in focus 重點論述了以阿斯巴甜為前體物質的紐甜制備工藝,包括該工藝中使用到的關鍵原料3 , 3 -二甲基丁醛的制備過程。

The findings support a large u . s . federal study released last month , which found no link to cancer in a study of aspartame use among more than half a million americans 美國聯邦政府的有關機構曾經對超過50萬名美國人食用阿斯巴甜的情況進行過研究。

In addition , phenylalanine is used in aspartame production and acts as intermediate and well vector in synthesis of some anti - cancer drugs 苯丙氨酸既是合成新型甜味劑aspartame的原料,又是合成一些抗癌藥物的中間體和良好載體,市場需求日益增加。

The new review of its potential health risks found that the number of tumors in rats did not increase in relation to the dosage of aspartame fed to the animals 歐盟專家小組認為,患有腫瘤的老鼠的數量并未因它們服用了這種甜味劑而有所增加。

“ there is no reason . to undertake any further extensive review of the safety of aspartame , “ said iona pratt , a toxicologist who headed the panel 但負責向歐盟食品安全機構提供咨詢服務的專家們日前指出,這一結論是錯誤的。

A new study links small doses of the popular artificial sweetener aspartame to leukemia , lymphoma and breast cancer in rats 一項新的研究表明小劑量的受歡迎的人工甜味劑阿巴斯甜和老鼠的白血病,淋巴瘤和乳腺癌相關。