
asparagus n.【植物;植物學】文竹,石刁柏,天門冬;龍須菜。


Place the rice in a serving bowl . add the parsley and asparagus and stir to mix well 將米飯放入飯碗中,加入香菜及蘆筍適當攪拌均勻。

Simultaneous determination of chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin residues in asparagus by spe - cgc 蘆筍中毒死蜱和氯氰菊酯殘留的同時測定

Study on storage technique of asparagus and application of lipoxygenase inhibitor 蘆筍保鮮技術研究及脂氧合酶抑制劑的保鮮應用初探

Effects of asparagus lettuce extracts on platelet aggregation and thrombosis in rats 萵筍提取物對大鼠血小板聚集與血栓形成的影響

Cold asparagus and ham 凍腿蘆筍

Abalone with asparagus 鮑魚龍須

Abalone and asparagus 蘆筍拼鮑魚

Abalone asparagus soup 鮑魚蘆筍湯

Cream of asparagus soup 奶油龍須菜湯

Chicken and asparagus soup 雞蓉蘆筍湯

Excessive amounts of dried beans , mushrooms , cauliflower , spinach and asparagus 過量的乾豆類、冬菰、菠菜及鮮露筍等蔬菜

Asparagus and abalone soup 蘆筍鮑片湯

Study progress on the bioactive eomponents and biological function of asparagus officinalis 蘆筍的活性成分及其生物學功能

I like asparagus soup 我喜歡喝蘆筍湯。

Crab meat and asparagus soup 蟹肉露筍湯

Tip : if you don ' t like asparagus , you may substitute 1 cup cooked peas 提示:如果你不喜歡蘆筍,可用一杯煮熟碗豆替代。

Brised abalone with asparagus 扒龍須鮑魚

Saute crab meat and asparagus 蟹肉龍須菜

Braised asparagus and mushroom 扒龍須香菇