
asparagine n.【生物化學】天冬酰胺。


The quinolone resistance - determining region ( qrdr ) of gyra gene of 19 resistance isolates was amplified by pcr , sequenced and their amino acid mutations were analyzed . the results revealed that 9 isolates contained a mutation in gyra of a serine at position 83 ( ser83 ) to a phenylalanine , and 1 isolate exhibited a mutation of ser83 to a tyrosine , and 6 isolates that were resistant to more than six kinds of fluoroquinolones showed a mutation asp87 to asparagine at the same time 采用pcr技術擴增了對喹諾酮類藥物耐藥的19株禽源沙門氏菌分離菌株gyra基因qrdr ,經純化、測序和序列分析表明, 19株耐藥菌株中有10株第83位氨基酸發生了變異,其中有9株由絲氨酸( s )變異為苯丙氨酸( f ) , 1株由絲氨酸變異為酪氨酸( y ) 。

Food scientists are able to confirm that acrylamide is formed when foods are cooked at high temperatures e . g . frying , baking , roasting , not boiling and is the result of a chemical reaction between two very common substances found in food : sugar and the protein building block , asparagine 食品科學家已經證實,丙烯酰胺是食物在高溫下進行烹調如煎烘烤等,不包括煮沸時產生的,是食物中兩種最普通的成分糖和組成蛋白質的天冬氨酸發生化學反應形成的。

The study ' s findings also suggest that drugs being developed to block the enzyme that makes asparagine should be tested to see if they also prevent mscs from making this amino acid 這項研究發現同時建議那些正在研發用來阻斷生成天冬酰胺的酶的藥物應該測試一下,看看它們是否可以阻止骨髓間充質干細胞產生天冬酰胺。

L - asparagine is a non - essential , neutrall , genetically coded amino acid . it is a crystalline amino acid , found in many plants , that is easily hydrolyzed to aspartic acid 天冬酰胺是一種非必需的中性晶體氨基酸,許多植物里都有,易于水解為天門冬氨酸。

In addition , the ability of mscs to make asparagine might be decreased by cancer drugs already known to disrupt msc activity 另外那些已經知道的破壞骨髓間充質干細胞活性的腫瘤藥物應該可以降低骨髓間充質干細胞產生天冬酰胺的能力。

Standard test method for isoaspartic acid in proteins : method for the determination of asparagine deamidation products 蛋白質中異天門冬氨酸的標準試驗方法:天門冬酰胺脫酰胺基制品的測定方法

Asparagine can later be broken down and the nitrogen used in amino acid synthesis 天冬酰胺此后分解,氮在氨基酸的合成中被使用。

Asparagines an amino acid formed by the addition of ammonia to aspartic acid 天冬酰胺:天冬氨酸加上氨基后形成的一種氨基酸。

Exogenously supplied aspartate is not an active precursor of asparagine in plant tissues . 外來供給的天門冬氨酸,在植物組織中并不是一個活躍的天門冬酰胺前體。

Studies with labelled aspartate demonstrate its ready conversion into asparagine . 用標記的天門冬氨酸研究證明,它迅速地轉變為天門冬酰胺。

Aspartate is readily converted to asparagine . 天門冬氨酸易于轉變成天門冬酰胺。