
asme ASME = American Society of M...


Asme boiler pressure vessel code - section 6 : recommended rules for care and operation of heating boilers Asme鍋爐和壓力容器規程.第6節:加熱鍋爐維護和操作的推薦規則

Asme boiler pressure vessel code - section 2 : materials ; part b : nonferrous material specifications Asme鍋爐和壓力容器規程.第2節:材料.第b部分:有色金屬材料規范

Guide for asme stamp holders for section viii division 1 vessels and the pressure equipment directive 第viii部分第1分部分容器和壓力設備指令用asme沖壓夾件指南

Asme boiler and pressure vessel code - code cases : ccb bpv ; boilers and pressure vessels ; supplement 1 Asme鍋爐和壓力容器規范. ccb bpv .鍋爐和壓力容器.補充件1

Asme boiler pressure vessel code - section 2 : materials ; part a : ferrous material specifications Asme鍋爐和壓力容器規程.第2節:材料.第a部分:鋼鐵材料規范

Asme boiler pressure vessel code - section 7 : recommended guidelines for the care of power boilers Asme鍋爐和壓力容器規程.第7節:電力鍋爐維護的推薦指南

Asme boiler pressure vessel code - section 5 : nondestructive examination ; 2005 addenda july 1 , 2005 Asme鍋爐和壓力容器規范.第5部分:無損檢驗.補充件2005

2 filler metals shall conform to the asme boiler and pressure vessel code , section ii , part c 填充金屬應符合asme鍋爐與壓力容器規范第卷c篇的要求。

Asme boiler pressure vessel code - section 10 : fiber - reinforced plastic pressure vessels Asme鍋爐和壓力容器規程.第10節:纖維增強塑料壓力容器

Asme boiler pressure vessel code - code cases : ccb bpv ; boilers and pressure vessels Asme鍋爐和壓力容器規程.標準件: ccb bpv .鍋爐和壓力容器

Asme boiler pressure vessel code - section 4 : rules for construction of heating boilers Asme鍋爐和壓力容器規程.第4節:加熱鍋爐的建造規則

5 asme type 347 filler metal shall be used for welding type 321 stainless steel material Asme 347型填充金屬用于321型不銹鋼的焊接。

Asme boiler pressure vessel code - section 1 : rules for construction of power boilers Asme鍋爐和壓力容器規范.第1節:電力鍋爐制造原則

Asme boiler pressure vessel code - section 9 : welding and brazing qualifications Asme鍋爐和壓力容器規則.第9節:焊接和釬焊的資格要求

Tanks are designed to asme specifications for the pressures and temperatures involved 罐子根據相關的壓力和溫度按照asme規范設計。

Asme measurement uncertainty and conformance testing : risk analysis an asme technical report 測量不確定度和驗收試驗:風險分析

The products of the bwbc are manufactured according to the consumers Asme鍋爐和壓力容器規范的大型電站鍋爐供貨廠商。

Testing and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with asme section ix 試驗和合格標準均應遵循asme第ix卷。

Asme boiler pressure vessel code - section 5 : nondestructive examination Asme鍋爐和壓力容器規程.第5節:無損檢驗