
asm ASM = air-to-surface missile...

What is the “ asm “ stand for ? is it automobile system of mechanism ? i guess 在汽車機械裝置系統的電子電路中,給兩種可能的電磁干涉來源命名。


The euclidstep2 sample is an extension of euclidstep1 as a mixed c and asm project Euclidstep2示例是euclidstep1的擴展,以混合c和asm項目的形式存在。

Both bcel and asm come equipped with tools that generate the java source code to write a class Bcel和asm都配備了能夠生成java源代碼以編寫類的工具。

Asm claims to be small and fast - but how does it match up with the other frameworks Asm聲稱自己又小又快但將它與其他框架進行比較的情況如何樣呢?

Instead , you can use a toolkit like the asm library from the objectweb consortium ; see 相反,可以用asm庫這樣的工具包(來自objectweb論壇,請參閱

Unlike the other libraries , asm was designed and implemented to be as small and fast as possible 與其他庫不同, asm被設計和實現為盡可能小而快。

What is the “ asm “ stand for ? is it automobile system of mechanism ? i guess 在汽車機械裝置系統的電子電路中,給兩種可能的電磁干涉來源命名。

Primesstep3 sample : demonstrates a mixed c and asm project with a c header file > primesstep3示例:演示具有c頭文件的c和asm混合項目

Asm uses a visitor approach for reporting all components of class data 中了解到的, asm使用visitor的方法來報告類數據的所有組件。

Does the asm classworking library claim of being both small and fast hold up Asm classworking庫聲稱自己又小又快是否名符其實?

Using the asm plugin 使用asm插件

Asm air to surface missile 空對地導彈

Asm visits the field first , followed by the annotation and annotation values Asm首先訪問字段,接著訪問注釋和注釋值。

Replacing reflection with asm 用asm代替反射

Asm american society for metals 美國金屬學會

Asm is placed in the specified . asm放到指定的

Calls looks like - which is where the asm library comes in 調用的字節碼是什么樣的這正是asm庫發揮作用的地方。

Methods , and generated class name , so that this asm version of the 方法,以及生成的類名稱,以便這個asm版本的

Asm assembly automation limited 先進自動器材有限公司