
asleep adj.〔用作表語〕,adv.1.睡著,睡熟。2.長眠,...


She screamed, knowing suddenly she was asleep and in nightmare . 她大叫一聲,這才突然知道自己剛才睡著了,做了個惡夢。

All the time margaret was asleep and had no idea of what was going on . 在這段時間里,瑪格麗特睡著了,對此一無所知。

The boy left him there and when he came back the old man was still asleep . 孩子又走開了,回來的時候,老頭兒還睡覺。

Nevertheless, fatigue had been stronger than resolution, and he had fallen asleep . 然而疲勞壓過了決心,他睡著了。

She did not even fell wet or cold, for she was peacefully asleep . 她甚至沒有感到濕和冷,因為她安安穩穩地睡著了。

She threw the note into a wastebasket, and fell fast asleep on a couch . 她把便條扔進字紙簍,倒在榻上就睡熟了。

Fully clothed, he fell across his bunk and was instantly asleep . 他衣服也不脫往床鋪上橫著一躺,很快就睡著了。

She did not even feel wet or cold, for she was peacefully asleep . 她甚至沒有感到潮濕和寒冷,因為她睡得很香。

A small friend stretched out on its broad gray back, asleep . 一個小朋友趴在它寬闊的灰色的脊梁上睡得正熟。

The cat is asleep . 貓睡著了。

He is sound asleep . 他酣睡著。

My arm is asleep . 我的胳膊發麻。

She was fast asleep , so i got a ladder from the shed . 她睡得很熟,于是我從花園的小棚里拿來一架梯子。

Every now and again she went upstairs to see if he was still asleep . 她時而到樓上看看他是否還在睡著。

When he began to feel cheerful everybody else was asleep . 當他開始覺得來勁的時候,其他人都在睡覺。

Charles calder had fallen asleep over war and peace . 查爾斯卡爾德抱著他的《戰爭與和平》睡著了。

The american dream does not come to those who fall asleep . 從那些熟睡者的身上是找不到美國之夢的。

He gave his friend , who had fallen asleep , a nudge . 他的朋友睡著了,他用肘輕輕地捅了他一下。

I was asleep at the switch . 我錯過了時機。